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Azure Active Directory Connect and updated Directory Integration Tools content!

Hi everyone! I want to make sure you're all aware of the recent updates I published on the Directory Integration Tools -

As well as the new tool for all directory integration tasks called Azure Active Directory Connect!

Starting with the first quarter of 2015, directory integration to Azure Active Directory (AD) can be accomplished by Azure Active Directory Connect, currently in public preview.

Important: Azure Active Directory Connect encompasses functionality that was previously released as DirSync and AAD Sync. These tools will no longer be released individually. Future improvements and the latest functionality will be included in updates to the Azure Active Directory Connect.

You can familiarize yourself with Azure Active Directory Connect by visiting Azure Active Directory Connect (

For those of you currently evaluating or using Azure Active Directory Synchronization Tool (DirSync), Azure AD Sync, of Forefront Identity Manager 2010 R2, you can find more detailed information about the recent changes in Directory Integration Tools (

This topic contains a comparison of the features that each of these tools currently supports for synchronizing your on-premises directory with Azure Active Directory. These tables also provide information on when this functionality will be rolled into Azure Active Directory Connect. You can use these tables to select the best tool for your specific directory integration solution.

For more information about Azure Active Directory, see Azure Active Directory documentaton (

Thank you and have fun implementing your Microsoft-powered hybrid identity infrastructure!