Subscription 'subscription name' is not allowed to provision in 'East US'. for PostgresSQL Flexible Server

Felipe Cometa 0 Puntos de reputación

Subscription 'Name subscription' is not allowed to provision in 'East US'. for PostgresSQL Flexible Server, image (1)

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  1. Gao Chen 8,650 Puntos de reputación Personal externo de Microsoft

    Hello Felipe Cometa,

    Welcome to Microsoft Q&A!

    It sounds like you're encountering a restriction on your Azure subscription that prevents provisioning resources in the East US region. As the East US region did not work, are you not able to use another region? I am asking this as this exact problem happened to me and I was able to create it using ***East US 2 ***(If this region doesn't work either, you can try with another one).

    If it still doesn't work, there might be policies applied to your subscription that restrict resource creation in certain regions so I would recommend you check with your administrator to see if any policies are in place and if they can be modified.

    I hope the information provided is useful!



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