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Map Style Sheet Entry Properties


Bing Maps for Enterprise service retirement

Bing Maps for Enterprise is deprecated and will be retired. Free (Basic) account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2025. Enterprise account customers can continue to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services until June 30th, 2028. To avoid service disruptions, all implementations using Bing Maps for Enterprise REST APIs and SDKs will need to be updated to use Azure Maps by the retirement date that applies to your Bing Maps for Enterprise account type.

Azure Maps is Microsoft's next-generation maps and geospatial services for developers. Azure Maps has many of the same features as Bing Maps for Enterprise, and more. To get started with Azure Maps, create a free Azure subscription and an Azure Maps account. For more information about azure Maps, see Azure Maps Documentation. For migration guidance, see Bing Maps Migration Overview.

The properties that are grouped and listed below can be set on entries in a map style sheet to customize the appearance of a map in various Microsoft map controls.


Map style sheets can be created interactively using the Map Style Sheet Editor application.

In this simple JSON style sheet, the "water" entry is a MapElement, so it can set the "fillColor" property.

{"version":"1.*", "elements":{"water":{"fillColor":"#FF0000"}}}

All color values are specified as a hex #RRGGBB or #AARRGGBB string.


Ensure that all colors have 6 or 8 characters. If there is any other number of characters, the style will be considered invalid.

Version properties

Property Type Description
version string Targeted style sheet version. Used for applicability. "1.0" for default, "1.*" for additional minor features updates.

Settings properties

Web: ISettingStyle

Name Type Web Style Description
atmosphereVisible boolean 1.0 A flag that indicates whether the atmosphere appears in the 3D control.
buildingTexturesVisible boolean 1.2 A flag that indicates whether or not to show textures on symbolic 3D buildings that have textures.
fogColor color 1.0 The ARGB color value of the distance fog that appears in the 3D control.
glowColor color 1.0 The ARGB color value that might be applied to label glow and icon glow.
imageFamily string 1.0 The name of image set to use for this style. Set this value to Default for signs that use fixed colors that are based on the real-world sign. Set this value to Palette for signs that use palette configurable colors.
landColor color lc 1.0 The ARGB color value of the land before anything is drawn on that land.
logosVisible color 1.0 A flag that indicates whether items that have an Organization property should draw the appropriate Logos or use a generic icon.
officialColorVisible boolean 1.0 A flag that indicates whether items that have an official color property (such as transit lines in China) should draw that color. For example, turn this value off for a black and white map.
rasterRegionsVisible boolean 1.0 A flag that indicates whether or not to draw raster regions where they have a better representation than vectors (Japan and Korea).
shadedReliefVisible boolean shadedReliefVisible 1.0 A flag that indicates whether or not to draw elevation shading on the map.
shadowColor color 1.3 The color of the shadow behind icons that use shadows.
spaceColor color 1.0 The color value for the area around the map.
terrainFlat boolean 1.5 A flag that indicates whether the terrain should be flat (disabled) on the map.
useDefaultImageColors boolean 1.0 A flag that indicates whether the original colors in the SVG should be used rather than looking up the palette entry for colors in an image.


The baseMapStyle root property specifies which base map style sheet your style sheet is derived from. It is supported starting at style version 1.4.

In this example, the base map style is set to vibrantLight (the Bing Maps style) and all point features are turned off.

  "elements": {
    "point": {
      "labelVisible": false,
      "visible": false
baseMapStyle Description
canvasDark Dark canvas style
canvasGray Gray canvas style
canvasLight Light canvas style
roadHighContrastDark High contrast dark symbolic style
roadHighContrastLight High contrast light symbolic style
aerialWithOverlay Photo-real style with labels and icons
roadLight Light symbolic style
roadDark Dark symbolic style
vibrantLight Light vibrant symbolic style (Bing Maps style)

MapElement properties

Web: IMapElementStyle

Property Type Web Style Description
backgroundScale number 1.0 Amount by which the background element of an icon should be scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
fillColor color fc 1.0 The color that is used for filling polygons, the background of point icons, and for the center of lines if they have split.
fontFamily string 1.0
fontWeight string 1.4 The density of a typeface, in terms of the lightness or heaviness of the strokes. "Light", "Normal", "SemiBold" and "Bold" can be set.
iconColor color 1.0 The color of the glyph shown in the middle of a point icon.
iconScale number 1.1 Amount by which the glyph of an icon should be scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
labelColor color lbc 1.0 The color of a map label.
labelOutlineColor color loc 1.0 The outline color of a map label.
labelScale number 1.0 The amount by which default label sizes are scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
labelVisible boolean lv 1.0 Species if a map label type is visible or not.
overwriteColor boolean 1.0 Makes The alpha value of the FillColor overwrite the StrokeColor rather than blend with it.
scale number 1.0 The amount by which the whole point's size is scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
strokeColor color sc 1.0 The color to use for the outline around polygons, the outline around point icons, and the color of lines.
strokeWidthScale number 1.0 The amount by which the stroke of lines are scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
visible boolean v 1.0 Specifies if the map element is visible or not.

BorderedMapElement properties

Web: IBorderedMapElementStyle

This property group extends the MapElement (web: IMapElementStyle) property group.

Property Type Web Style Description
borderOutlineColor color boc 1.0 The secondary or casing line color of the border of a filled polygon.
borderStrokeColor color bsc 1.0 The primary line color of the border of a filled polygon.
borderVisible boolean bv 1.0 Specifies if a border is visible or not.
borderWidthScale number 1.0 The amount by which the stroke of borders are scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.

PointStyle properties

This property group extends the MapElement (web: IMapElementStyle) property group.

Property Type Web Style Description
shadowVisible boolean 1.4 The flag that indicates whether the shadow of icon should be visible or not.
shape-Background string 1.4 Shape to use as the background of the icon--replacing any shape that exists there.
shape-Icon string 1.4 Shape to use as the foreground glyph of the icon--replacing any shape that exists there.
stemAnchorRadiusScale number 1.2 Amount by which the anchor point of an icon stem should be scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as large.
stemColor color 1.0 The color of the stem coming out of the bottom of the icon in 3D mode.
stemHeightScale number 1.2 Amount by which the length of the stem of an icon should be scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as long.
stemOutlineColor color 1.0 The color of the outline around the stem coming out of the bottom of the icon in 3D mode.
stemWidthScale number 1.0 Amount by which the width of the stem of an icon should be scaled. For example, use 1 for default and 2 for twice as long.

MapElement3D properties

This property group extends the MapElement (web: IMapElementStyle) property group.

Property Type Web Style Description
renderAsSurface boolean 1.2 A flag that indicates that a 3D model should be rendered like a building--without depth fading against the ground.