How to fix a cryptographic keys error
I have recently upgraded the my web app to .Net9.
I am now getting this error message from a call to CosmosDB to get a specific record...
System.Security.Cryptography.CryptographicException: The key {92c2f09a-14ff-4cea-8f15-e09dcec74987} was not found in the key ring. For more information go to
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.DataProtection.KeyManagement.KeyRingBasedDataProtector.UnprotectCore(Byte[] protectedData, Boolean allowOperationsOnRevokedKeys, UnprotectStatus& status)
The troubleshooter provided this advice, but I can find a key beginning with 56b7...
In the Azure Key Vault (AKV) key, the version is at the end, in this example, it is 56b7.... After the version is removed, in this example,, the creation will succeed.
Azure Cosmos DB doesn't accept a version because it automatically picks up the latest key within one hour of creation. This is called automatic rotation.
but I can't find a key beginning with 56b7...
Can you give me some support to trace this error and fix it?
Can you explain why I cannot raise a ticket despite paying for support?