Microsoft Monetize - Advanced frequency management

Advanced Frequency Management (AFM) is an innovative frequency-capping feature that lets you control the number of impressions seen by users who opt out of including traditional identifiers in ad requests ("cookieless users").


This feature is only applicable to ALI (Augumented Line Items) using Open and/or Deal supply sources.

Historically, frequency capping for digital advertising has entirely relied on the presence of ad-request identifiers to identify and assign impression-cap rules for users. However, an increasing number of ad requests no longer include an identifier.

Though the AFM model is built using data-containing identifiers, it doesn't actually require users to pass any identifiers within ad requests to function. This allows advertisers to meet their reach and unique impression goals without dependency on device environment. Assuming a user has visited "website A", Microsoft Advertising can predict the likelihood that the user will visit "website B". In fact, Microsoft Advertising can determine the probability of a user having visited multiple websites (website B, C, and D), given that they've already visited website A. Ultimately, Microsoft Advertising can estimate how many creatives have already been delivered to a user within a particular time frame, based on the website from which the ad request was received.

How to enable AFM

AFM will be automatically actived to help adhere to your frequency cap on impressions without identifiers once you toggle “Include users without cookies” and select a daily frequency cap on your Line item.


This activation is limited to line item objects and are not applying to frequency caps set on advertisers, insertion orders, and creatives.

AFM reporting

As with traditional frequency caps, you can find your line item's unique impressions per user/device involved in AFM capping in the Buyer Reach and Frequency Report. There are now three frequency cap types in this report: Classical, Advanced, and None.


Ensure that you only reference identified imps and imps per identified device when analyzing your AFM performance in the Buyer Reach and Frequency Report.