Tango Email service


This service is currently available to a limited set of clients and Microsoft employees only.

This service, used in combination with the Email Template Service, enables team to manage the sending of system emails for Tango. Allowing team to manage system emails rather than the API team provides the Tango team the ability to more quickly iterate and deploy system email changes.


While this service is visible to all members, it should only be used by Xandr employees. Therefore, this documentation will only be visible to Xandr employees until further notice.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST https://api.appnexus.com/tango-email
(send_email JSON)
Send a system email.

JSON fields

Name Type Description
id int The ID of the email message that is sent.

Default: Auto-incremented number.
email_id int The ID of the template that was used to populate and format the email. You can use the Email Template Service to see the list of available email templates and their IDs.

Required On: POST
sender_user_id int Read Only. The ID of the user that sent the email (POSTed to this service). Administrators can set the value for this field to define an email sender other than themselves.
sender_member_id int Read Only. The ID of the member that is associated with the user that sent the email (POSTed to this service) . Administrators can set the value for this field to define an email sender other than themselves.
recipient_user_id int The ID of the user that should receive the email.

Required On: POST
recipient_member_id int The ID of the member that is associated with the user that should receive the email.
partner_relationship_id int The ID of the partner relationship that the email message is associated with.

Required On: POST
partner_relationship_deal_id int The ID of the trade that the email message is associated with.
additional_fields array of objects You can use this array to define a value for any additional macros that may exist in the email template you have defined in the email_id field. For example, if your email template includes a %deal_name% data placeholder you can include deal_name = "My Favorite Deal" in this array to provide the deal name that should display within the email text.
recipient_is_buyer boolean If true, the recipient of the email is the buyer in the partner relationship. This field is not currently being used.

Default: false


Send a system email

$ cat send_email
  {     "email_id" : 19,
        "recipient_member_id" : 3837,
        "partner_relationship_id" : 175
$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST -d @send_email.json "https://api.appnexus.com/tango-email"
  "response": {
    "status": "OK",
    "id": 0,
    "count": 1