Inventory List Item service

The Inventory List Item Service lets you add app bundle IDs and raw URLs (domain or app) to an existing inventory list. For example:


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET View all items (domains/apps) in a specific inventory list.
GET Search for domains or apps containing certain characters.
POST Add new domains/apps to an inventory list.

Note: 1000 items (domains/apps) is the maximum number of items you can add to an inventory list for each POST request.
PUT Update an inventory list item.

Note: The include_children field is the only field in an inventory list item that you can update with a PUT request.
DELETE,2,3 Delete items (domains/apps) from an inventory list.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
app_name string Name of the app item (null if a domain).
audit_status enum Current status of the domain or app. Possible values are:
- audited: The domain or app has passed the Xandr inventory audit.
- rejected: The domain or app has failed the Xandr inventory audit (due to Xandr policy violations).
- unaudited: The domain or app was not audited.
- unauditable: The domain or app was not audited.
- pending: The domain or app was not audited (default value).
- masked: The actual URL of the domain or app was not exposed by the seller for targeting or reporting, but was still audited and passed the Xandr inventory audit.
- is_adserver: The domain or app was not audited and was detected as an ad server domain.
id int ID associated with the app or domain you are adding. Auto-generated on POST.
Read Only.
Required On: PUT
is_supported boolean Indicates whether the app or domain is currently supported by Xandr (e.g., whether it has been audited). If true, it is supported.
inventory_url string URL of the app or domain once it has been validated. For details on how validation is performed, see Validate Inventory Item service.
include_children boolean Indicates whether subdomains and subpaths of the parent domain should be included. If true, subdomains will be included.
rejection_reason string The reason why this domain or app is in violation of Xandr policy (e.g., Violence, Hate Speech) if the audit_status field is set to rejected. If the audit_status field is not set to rejected, this field will be null.
url string Required On: POST
Raw URL or app bundle ID that you provide for the item (domain or app) to be added.


Add domains and apps (items) to an inventory list

In this example, we add domains and apps (items) to an inventory list.

$ cat inventory-list-item
    "inventory-list-items": [
            "url": "",
            "include_children": false
            "url": "app_id"
curl -b cookies -X POST -d @inventory-list-item ""
    "response": { 
        "status": "OK",
        "inventory-list-items": [
                "audit_status": "rejected",
                "inventory_url": "",
                "include_children": false,
                "is_supported": true, 
                "rejection_reason": "Violence"
                "audit_status": "audited",
                "inventory_url": "",
                "include_children": false,
                "is_supported": true, 
                "rejection_reason": null

View all domains/apps (items) in a specific inventory list

In this example, we view domains and apps (items) in an inventory list.

$ curl -b cookies -X GET "" 

    "response": { 
        "status": "OK",
        "inventory-list-items": [
                "id": 1, 
                "audit_status": "rejected",
                "app_name": null, 
                "inventory_url": "",
                "include_children": false,
                "is_supported": true, 
                "rejection_reason": "Violence"
                "id": 2, 
                "audit_status": "audited",
                "app_name": "Name of the app", 
                "inventory_url": "",
                "include_children": false,
                "is_supported": true, 
                "rejection_reason": null

Update an inventory list item in an inventory list

In this example, we update an inventory list item in an inventory list.

$ cat inventory-list-item

    "inventory-list-item": {
        "include_children": true

curl -b cookies -X PUT -d @nventory-list-item ''

    "response": {
        "inventory-list-item": {
            "id": 2,
            "include_children": true,
            "audit_status": "audited",
            "app_name": "Name of the app",
            "inventory_url": ""
        "status": "OK",
        "num_elements": 1,
        "start_element": 0,
        "count": 1