Bidders - BSS Avro file format

BSS AVRO file format

This document covers how to prepare your audience files using the AVRO file format and onboard the data into the platform. AVRO is required to upload audiences containing extended ID’s and publisher-provided ID’s, and the legacy BSS file format does not support newer user ID types.

Best practices

  • Recommended file size: 100-300mb per file
  • Recommended file compression: deflate
  • Recommended delivery method: Passive Segment Upload (reach out to your Account Manager for access).
  • Updating segments: Instead of sending the full audience memberships again, you can upload only the changes for existing segments. This will reduce the data size and the chance of reaching your daily upload limits.

Overview of steps

  1. Understanding the User-segments record
  2. Install the AVRO tools library
  3. Download the Xandr AVRO schema file
  4. Generate your AVRO audience file

User-segments record

A user record has two top level elements:

  • User ID (uid)
  • Array of segments

User ID types

Only one id type can be uploaded per uid record (e.g. Xandr User ID, IFA, Device ID, eid)

User ID Type Description
AppNexus/Xandr User ID (ANID) Xandr ID, also known as user_id_64.
Device ID Similar utility as ifa (Identifier for Advertising). It indicates the Mobile device type being onboarded. The device_id record consists of two fields:
- domain (enum): Possible values are idfa, sha1udid, md5udid, openudid, aaid, windowsadid, rida, tifa, vida, and lgudid.
- id (string)
Identifier for Advertising (or IFA) Identifier for Advertising - indicates the device type being onboarded. The ifa record consists of two fields:
- type (string): Type of ID.
- id (string): IFA ID, representing the IFA in UUID format.

For supported ifa types, see device extension object.
External ID External ID - indicates Member defined identifier being onboarded. The external_id record consists of two fields:
- member_id (int): Member ID of the member who owns the external_id.
- id (string): corresponding value of the member_id.
Extended ID's(eid) or Publisher-provided ID's(PPID) Extended ID - indicates the type of universal ID or publisher ID being onboarded. The eid record consists of two fields:
- source (string): Source of the ID.
- id (string) - Publisher or industry ID.

Today these are the only two available for audience onboarding.

Java library example

AppNexus/Xandr User ID (ANID)


Device ID


Identifier for Advertising (or IFA)


External ID


Extended ID's(eid) or Publisher-provided ID's(PPID)


Python library example

Python library example: AppNexus/Xandr User ID (ANID)
{'uid': 64,
Python library example: Device ID

{'uid': {'id': 
'domain': 'idfa'}, 
'segments': [seg1]}

Python library example: Identifier for Advertising (or IFA)

{'uid': {'id': 
'qweqeqweq', 'type': 
'atif'}, 'segments': 

Python library example: External ID

{'uid': {'id': 
'member_id': 914}, 
'segments': [seg1]}

Python library example: Extended ID's(eid) or Publisher-provided ID's(PPID)

{'uid': {'id': 
'segments': [seg1]}

Segments object

You can upload to multiple segments within the same uid record by creating an array of segment objects.

File Type Description
id int Xandr segment ID.
code string Xandr segment code.
member_id int Member ID of the segment. Required when code is specified.
expiration int Segment expiration in minutes. Set to:
- 0 for maximum expiration (180 days).
- -1 for segment removal.
- -2 for default member expiration.
timestamp long Segment activation time in seconds from epoch. It specifies when segment becomes 'live'. Set to 0 to activate the segment immediately.
value int Segment value.

Installing the AVRO tools library

  • Java library

    Curl -o
  • Python library

    python3 -m pip install avro

Download the Xandr Avro schema

You can download the Xandr Avro Schema from here.

Generate your AVRO audience file

For examples using the Java and Python libraries, see below.

Java example

Create an audience file


Convert the audience file into AVRO

Run the following command:

java -jar avro-tools-1.10.1.jar fromjson --codec deflate --schema-file xandr_schema.avsc sample.json > sample.avro  


  • xandr_schema.avsc = the supplied Xandr Avro schema file;
  • sample.json = your audience file;
  • and sample.avro = output AVRO file

Python example


  • Our examples are for the Python Avro Library, and are not to be confused with the Fast Avro Library.
    • Python Avro library does not use uid union type names. Instead, it determines the uid type by full match of field names.

      {'uid': {'id': 'qweqeqweq', 'domain': 'idfa'}, 'segments': \[…\]}

    • The Fast Avro library uses hints to specify the exact type of uid similar to the Java library.

      {'uid': ('external_id', {'id':'exitd1', 'member_id': 914}), 'segments': \[{'expiration': 259200, 'id': 25815407}\]}

  • DataFileWriter.append() accepts a python dictionary (dict) type, not a JSON.

Creating an AVRO audience file

Sample script using the Python Avro library
import avro.schema
from avro.datafile import DataFileReader, DataFileWriter
from import DatumReader, DatumWriter
# the supplied xandr schema
schema = avro.schema.parse(open("xandr_schema.avsc", "rb").read())
# output avro file 
writer = DataFileWriter(open("sample.avro", "wb"), DatumWriter(), schema, codec=’deflate’)
# segments
seg1 = {'id': 1000, 'code': '', 'member_id': 0, 'expiration': 0, 'timestamp': 0, 'value': 0}
# anid
writer.append({'uid': 64, 'segments': [seg1]})
# external id
writer.append({'uid': {'id': 'exitd1', 'member_id': 914}, 'segments': [seg1]})
# idfa
writer.append({'uid': {'id': 'qweqeqweq', 'domain': 'idfa'}, 'segments': [seg1]})
# eid (or ppid)
writer.append({'uid': {'id': 'qweqeqweq', 'source': ''}, 'segments': [seg1]})
writer.append({'uid': {'id': 'qweqeqweq', 'source': ''}, 'segments': [seg1]})