Security Binding Settings

Security binding settings control the way a security token is obtained or used. They are represented as a collection of property-value pairs, with the property keys defined by the enumeration WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY. Each property in the collection has a reasonable default value. As a result, it is possible to define and use a security description without specifying any of the security binding settings.

For information on channel-wide security settings, with properties whose keys are defined by the WS_SECURITY_PROPERTY_ID enumeration, see Security Channel Settings.

The following API elements are used with security binding settings.

Enumeration Description
WS_CERT_FAILURE Defines failures related to certificate validation.
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_SCHEME Defines the options for performing client authentication using HTTP authentication headers.
WS_HTTP_HEADER_AUTH_TARGET Defines the target for the HTTP header authentication security binding.
WS_REQUEST_SECURITY_TOKEN_ACTION Defines which set of actions to use when negotiating security tokens using WS-Trust.
WS_SECURITY_ALGORITHM_SUITE_NAME A suite of security algorithms used for tasks such as signing and encryting.
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY_ID Identifies the properties used to specify security binding settings.
WS_SECURITY_KEY_ENTROPY_MODE Defines how randomness should be contributed to the issued key during a security token negotiation done with message and mixed-mode security.
WS_SECURITY_KEY_TYPE The key type of a security token.
WS_SECURITY_TOKEN_REFERENCE_MODE the mechanism to use to refer to a security token from signatures, encrypted items and derived tokens in the context of message and mixed-mode security bindings.
WS_TRUST_VERSION Defines the WS-Trust specification version to be used with message security and mixed-mode security.
WS_WINDOWS_INTEGRATED_AUTH_PACKAGE Defines the specific SSP package to be used for Windows Integrated Authentication.


Structure Description
WS_SECURITY_BINDING_PROPERTY Specifies a security binding specific setting.