Defining Name/Value Mappings
A provider can define a list of name/value pairs that consumers use to map integer values to strings. The name/value pairs can map integer values to strings or bit values to strings; each value corresponds to a string value. Use mappings on integer data items that contain enumeration values.
Consumers can use the value map to retrieve the string associated with a value and display it instead of displaying the integer or bit value. To define an integer value map, use the valueMap and map elements. To define a bit value map, use the bitmap and map elements.
The following example shows how to define a value map and a bitmap. You must specify the map's name attribute. For each name/value pair, you must specify the value and message attribute.
<provider name="Microsoft-Windows-SampleProvider"
resourceFileName="<path to the exe or dll that contains the metadata resources>"
messageFileName="<path to the exe or dll that contains the string resources>"
. . .
<valueMap name="TransferType">
<map value="1" message="$(string.TransferType.Download)"/>
<map value="2" message="$(string.TransferType.Upload)"/>
<map value="3" message="$(string.TransferType.UploadReply)"/>
<bitMap name="DaysOfTheWeek">
<map value="0x1" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Sunday)"/>
<map value="0x2" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Monday)"/>
<map value="0x4" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Tuesday)"/>
<map value="0x8" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Wednesday)"/>
<map value="0x10" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Thursday)"/>
<map value="0x20" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Friday)"/>
<map value="0x40" message="$(string.DaysOfTheWeek.Saturday)"/>
. . .
<resources culture="en-US">
<string id="Provider.Name" value="Sample Provider"/>
<string id="TransferType.Download" value="Download"/>
<string id="TransferType.Upload" value="Upload"/>
<string id="TransferType.UploadReply" value="Upload-reply"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Sunday" value="Sunday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Monday" value="Monday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Tuesday" value="Tuesday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Wednesday" value="Wednesday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Thursday" value="Thursday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Friday" value="Friday"/>
<string id="DaysOfTheWeek.Saturday" value="Saturday"/>