PxeProviderShutdown callback function

Called to shutdown the provider. This function is registered by calling the PxeRegisterCallback function with the CallbackType parameter set to PXE_CALLBACK_SHUTDOWN. After this function is called, the hProvider handle passed to the PxeProviderInitialize function is no longer valid.


DWORD PXEAPI PxeProviderShutdown(
  _In_ PVOID pContext


pContext [in]

Context value passed to the PxeRegisterCallback function.

Return value

If the provider shutdown succeeds, the callback should return ERROR_SUCCESS. In case of failure, an appropriate error code should be returned.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
None supported
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2003 with SP2 [desktop apps only]

See also

Windows Deployment Services Server Functions

