IEnumTfRenderingMarkup interface

The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup interface is implemented by TSF Manager and used by applications. This interface can be retrieved by ITfContextRenderingMarkup::GetRenderingMarkup and enumerates the rendering markup information.

IEnumTfRenderingMarkup methods Description
Clone The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup::Clone method creates a copy of the enumerator object.
Next The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup::Next method obtains, from the current position, the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence.
Reset The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup::Reset method resets the enumerator object by moving the current position to the beginning of the enumeration sequence.
Skip The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup::Skip method obtains, from the current position, the specified number of elements in the enumeration sequence.



The IEnumTfRenderingMarkup interface inherits from the IUnknown interface but does not have additional members.



This interface is not currently in the public header files. To use this API, you must MIDL-compile the prototype.