Ink Analysis Enumerations
This section contains information about the enumerations used in ink analysis.
Enumeration | Description |
AnalysisModes | Specifies how the IInkAnalyzer performs ink analysis. |
AnalysisWarningCode | Specifies the set of available warnings that can occur during ink analysis. |
ConfirmationType | Specifies the type of confirmation that can occur on an IContextNode object. |
ContextLinkDirection | Specifies the types of IContextLink objects. |
RecognitionConfidence | Specifies the level of confidence that the IInkAnalyzer has in the accuracy of the recognition result. |
RecognizerCapabilities | Specifies the attributes of an IInkAnalysisRecognizer. |
StrokeType | Specifies how the IInkAnalyzer should classify a stroke during analysis. |