IContextNodes::GetContextNode method

Retrieves the IContextNode object at the specified index within this collection.


HRESULT GetContextNode(
  [in]  ULONG        ulIndex,
  [out] IContextNode **ppContextNode


ulIndex [in]

The zero-based index of the IContextNode object to get.

ppContextNode [out]

Pointer to the IContextNode referenced at the specified index.

Return value

For a description of the return values, see Classes and Interfaces - Ink Analysis.



To avoid a memory leak, call IUnknown::Release on *ppContextNode when you no longer need to use the context node.


This example shows a method, ExploreContextNode, that examines an IContextNode. The method does the following:

  • Gets the context node's type.
  • Examines specific properties of the node type by calling a helper method, if the context node is an unclassified ink, analysis hint, or custom recognizer node.
  • Examines each subnode by calling itself, if the node has subnodes.
  • Examines the stroke data for the node by calling a helper method, if the node is an ink leaf node.
HRESULT CMyClass::ExploreContextNode(
    IContextNode *pContextNode)
    // Check for certain types of context nodes.
    GUID ContextNodeType;
    HRESULT hr = pContextNode->GetType(&ContextNodeType);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        if (IsEqualGUID(GUID_CNT_UNCLASSIFIEDINK, ContextNodeType))
            // Call a helper method that explores unclassified ink nodes.
            hr = this->ExploreUnclassifiedInkNode(pContextNode);
        else if (IsEqualGUID(GUID_CNT_ANALYSISHINT, ContextNodeType))
            // Call a helper method that explores analysis hint nodes.
            hr = this->ExploreAnalysisHintNode(pContextNode);
        else if (IsEqualGUID(GUID_CNT_CUSTOMRECOGNIZER, ContextNodeType))
            // Call a helper method that explores custom recognizer nodes.
            hr = this->ExploreCustomRecognizerNode(pContextNode);

        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            // Check if this node is a branch or a leaf node.
            IContextNodes *pSubNodes = NULL;
            hr = pContextNode->GetSubNodes(&pSubNodes);

            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                ULONG ulSubNodeCount;
                hr = pSubNodes->GetCount(&ulSubNodeCount);

                if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                    if (ulSubNodeCount > 0)
                        // This node has child nodes; explore each child node.
                        IContextNode *pSubNode = NULL;
                        for (ULONG index=0; index<ulSubNodeCount; index++)
                            hr = pSubNodes->GetContextNode(index, &pSubNode);

                            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                                // Recursive call to explore the child node of this
                                // context node.
                                hr = this->ExploreContextNode(pSubNode);

                            // Release this reference to the child context node.
                            if (pSubNode != NULL)
                                pSubNode = NULL;

                            if (FAILED(hr))
                        // This is a leaf node. Check if it contains stroke data.
                        ULONG ulStrokeCount;
                        hr = pContextNode->GetStrokeCount(&ulStrokeCount);

                        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                            if (ulStrokeCount > 0)
                                // This node is an ink leaf node; call helper
                                // method that explores available stroke data.
                                hr = this->ExploreNodeStrokeData(pContextNode);

            // Release this reference to the subnodes collection.
            if (pSubNodes != NULL)
                pSubNodes = NULL;

    return hr;


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows XP Tablet PC Edition [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server
None supported
IACom.h (also requires IACom_i.c)

See also


Ink Analysis Reference