Core Tablet PC Enumerations
This section contains the core enumerations for Tablet PC.
In This Section
Enumeration | Description |
InkApplicationGesture | Specifies the interest in a set of application-specific gesture. |
InkBoundingBoxMode Enumeration | Specifies which characteristics of a stroke, such as drawing attributes, are used to calculate the bounding box of the ink. |
InkClipboardFormats | Specifies the format of ink that is stored on the Clipboard. |
InkClipboardModes | Specifies the copy options of the Clipboard. |
InkCollectionMode | Determines whether ink, gestures, or ink and gestures are recognized as the user writes. |
InkCollectorEventInterest | Specifies whether an event occurred on an ink collector and, if so, which event fired. |
InkCursorButtonState | Specifies the state of a cursor button. |
InkDivisionType | Defines values for the structural types within the IInkDivisionResult object. |
InkExtractFlags | Specifies what part of a stroke to remove from an InkDisp object. |
InkMouseButton | Specifies which mouse button was pressed. |
InkMousePointer | Specifies the type of mouse pointer to appear. |
InkOverlayAttachMode | Specifies where to attach the new InkOverlay object, behind or in front of the active layer. |
InkOverlayEditingMode | Specifies the behavior mode of the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control. |
InkOverlayEraserMode | Specifies the way in which ink is erased from the InkOverlay object and the InkPicture control. This mode is used when the InkOverlayEditingMode is set to Delete. |
InkPenTip | Specifies whether the pen tip is round or rectangular. |
InkPersistenceCompressionMode | Specifies the compression modes that are used to save the InkDisp object to a serialized format. |
InkPersistenceFormat | Specifies how ink is persisted. |
InkRasterOperation | Defines values for performing raster operations on drawn ink. |
InkRecognitionAlternatesSelection Enumeration | Not implemented. |
InkRecognitionConfidence | Indicates the level of confidence that the recognizer has in the recognition result. |
InkRecognitionModes | Specifies how the recognzier interprets the ink and determines the result string. |
InkRecognitionStatus | Specifies whether an error occurred during recognition and, if so, which error occurred. |
InkRecognizerCapabilities | Specifies the attributes of a recognizer. You also use this enumeration to determine which attributes to use when you search for an installed recognizer. |
InkRecognizerCharacterAutoCompletionMode | Specifies types of character input modes. |
InkShiftKeyModifierFlags | Specifies which modifier key was pressed. |
InkSystemGesture | Specifies the interest in a set of operating system-specific gestures. |
ItemSelectionConstants | Specifies whether the first element or all elements within a group of points or packet values are used. |
PanelType | Defines the type of input currently available in the PenInputPanel object. |
SelectionHitResult | Specifies which part of a selection, if any, was hit during a hit test. |
TabletHardwareCapabilities | Specifies the hardware capabilities of the Tablet PC. |
TabletPropertyMetricUnit | Indicates the unit of measurement of a property. |