COM Library and ActiveX Controls

This section describes how to set up your environment to use the Tablet PC platform COM libraries in C++.

Microsoft Visual C++

To build Tablet PC applications in Visual C++, you need to update the system environment variables, set up directory options for Visual Studio, and access the Tablet PC interfaces in your project.

To update the environment variables, follow the instructions provided by the Windows SDK for adding the environment variables to Visual Studio.

Accessing the Tablet PC Interfaces

To access the Tablet PC interfaces, you must include the Msinkaut.h and Msinkaut_i.c files in your project.

#include <msinkaut.h>
#include <msinkaut_i.c>

You can also use the following import directive instead of the #include statements previously listed.

#import "InkObj.dll" no_namespace exclude("tagXFORM")

To access the InkAnalysis interfaces, you must include IACom.h and IACom_i.c files in your project.

#include <IACom.h>
#include <IACom_i.c>

You can also use the following import directive instead of the #include statements previously listed.

#import "IACom.dll" no_namespace exclude("tagXFORM")

To access the InkDivider interfaces, you must include msinkaut15_i.c and msinkaut15.h files in your project.


InkDivider has been superseded by the Ink Analysis APIs.


#include <msinkaut15.h>
#include <msinkaut15_i.c>

You can also use the following import directive instead of the # include statements.

#import "InkDiv.dll" no_namespace exclude("tagXFORM")

To access the PenInputPanel interfaces, you must include PenInputPanel_i.c and PenInputPanel.h files in your project.

#include <PenInputPanel.h>
#include <PenInputPanel_i.c>

You can also use the following import directive instead of the # include statements.

#import "PIPanel.dll" no_namespace 


The PenInputPanel APIs have been superseded in Windows Vista by the new Text Input Panel interfaces.


To access the InkEdit Control interfaces, you must include the Inked.h and Inked_i.c files in your project.

#include <inked.h>
#include <inked_i.c>

Alternatively, you can #import the InkEd.dll file.

#import "InkEd.dll" no_namespace exclude("tagXFORM")