Extracting File Information from the INF file
After the INF file is opened, you can gather information from it to build the user interface, or to direct the installation process. The setup functions provide several levels of functionality for gathering information from an INF file.
To gather information… | Use these functions… |
About the INF file | SetupGetInfInformation |
SetupQueryInfFileInformation | |
SetupQueryInfVersionInformation. | |
About source and target files | SetupGetSourceFileLocation |
SetupGetSourceFileSize | |
SetupGetTargetPath | |
SetupGetSourceInfo | |
From a line of an INF file | SetupGetLineText |
SetupFindNextLine | |
SetupFindNextMatchLine | |
SetupGetLineByIndex | |
SetupFindFirstLine | |
From a field of a line in an INF file | SetupGetStringField |
SetupGetIntField | |
SetupGetBinaryField | |
SetupGetMultiSzField |
The following example uses the SetupGetSourceInfo function to retrieve the human-readable description of a source media from an INF file.
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
BOOL test;
UINT SourceId;
PTSTR Buffer;
DWORD MaxBufSize;
DWORD BufSize;
int main()
test = SetupGetSourceInfo (
MyInf, //Handle to the INF file to access
SourceId, //Id of the source media
SRCINFO_DESCRIPTION, //which information to retrieve
Buffer, //a pointer to the buffer to receive the information
MaxBufSize, //the size allocated for the buffer
&BufSize //buffer size actually needed
return 0;
In the example, MyInf is the handle to the open INF file. SourceId is the identifier for a specific source media. The value SRCINFO_DESCRIPTION specifies that the SetupGetSourceInfo function should retrieve the source media description. Buffer points to a string that will receive the description, MaxBufSize indicates the resources allocated to the buffer, and BufSize indicates the resources necessary to store the buffer.
If BufSize is greater than MaxBufSize, the function will return FALSE, and a subsequent call to GetLastError will return ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER.