This property is the same as System.Search.UrlToIndex except that it includes the time that the URL was last modified. This is an optimization for the indexer so that it does not have to call back into the protocol handler to ask for this information to determine whether the content needs to be indexed again.
Windows 10, version 1703, Windows 10, version 1607, Windows 10, version 1511, Windows 10, version 1507, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista
name = System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime
shellPKey = PKEY_Search_UrlToIndexWithModificationTime
formatID = 0B63E343-9CCC-11D0-BCDB-00805FCCCE04
propID = 12
InInvertedIndex = false
IsColumn = false
type = Multivalue Any
This System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime property is the same as the System.Search.UrlToIndex property, except that you also pass in the last modified time of the document. If the last modified time matches, the indexer assumes that the document is already indexed and throws away the notification. This property is a vector with two elements, a VT_LPWSTR value that contains the URL and a VT_FILETIME value that contains the last modified time.
System.Search.UrlToIndexWithModificationTime was called PID_GTHR_DIRLINK_WITH_TIME in earlier versions of the Windows operating system.
PKEY values are defined in Propkey.h.
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