
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

The Microsoft Agent server maintains a list of commands that are currently available to the user. This list includes commands that the server defines for general interaction, such as Hide and Microsoft Agent Properties, the list of available (but non-input-active) clients, and the commands defined by the current active client. The first two sets of commands are global commands; that is, they are available at any time, regardless of the input-active client. Client-defined commands are available only when that client is input-active.

Retrieve an IAgentCommands interface by querying the IAgentCharacter interface for IAgentCommands. Each Microsoft Agent client application can define a collection of commands called a Commands collection. To add a Command to the collection, use the Add or Insert method. Although you can specify a Command's properties using IAgentCommand methods, for optimum code performance, specify all of a Command's properties in the IAgentCommands::Add or IAgentCommands::Insert methods when initially setting the properties for a new Command. You can use the IAgentCommand methods to query or change the property settings.

For each Command in the Commands collection, you can determine whether the command appears on the character's pop-up menu, in the Voice Commands Window, in both, or in neither. For example, if you want a command to appear on the pop-up menu for the character, set the command's Caption and Visible properties. To display the command in the Voice Commands Window, set the command's Caption and Voice properties.

A user can access the individual commands in your Commands collection only when your client application is input-active and the character is visible. Therefore, you will typically want to set the Caption, VoiceCaption, and Voice properties for the Commands collection object as well as for the commands in the collection, because this places an entry for your Commands collection on a character's pop-up menu and in the Voice Commands Window. When the user switches to your client by choosing its Commands entry, the server automatically makes your client input-active, notifying your client application using the IAgentNotifySink::ActivateInputState and makes the Commands in its collection available. The server also notifies the client that is no longer input-active with the IAgentNotifySink::ActivateInputState event. This enables the server to present and accept only the Commands that apply to the current input-active client's context. It also serves to avoid Command-name collisions between clients.

A client can also explicitly request to make itself the input-active client using the IAgentCharacter::Activate method. This method also supports setting your application to not be the input-active client. You may want to use this method when sharing a character with another application, setting your application to be input-active when your application window gets focus and not input-active when it loses focus.

Similarly, you can use IAgentCharacter::Activate to set your application to be (or not be) the active client of the character. The active client is the client that receives input when its character is the topmost character. When this status changes, the server notifies your application with the IAgentNotifySinkEx::ActiveClientChange event.

When a character's pop-up menu is displayed, changes to the properties of a Commands collection or the commands in its collection do not appear until the user redisplays the menu. However, when open, the Voice Commands Window does display changes as they happen.

IAgentCommands defines an interface that allows applications to add, remove, set, and query properties for a Commands collection. These functions are also available from IAgentCommandsEx.

A Commands collection can appear as a command in both the pop-up menu and the Voice Commands Window for a character. To make the Commands collection appear, you must set its Caption property. The following table summarizes how the properties of a Commands collection affect its presentation.

Caption Property Voice-Caption Property Voice Property Visible Property Appears in Character's Pop-up Menu Appears in Voice Commands Window
Yes Yes Yes True Yes, using Caption Yes, using VoiceCaption
Yes Yes No¹ True Yes, using Caption No
Yes Yes Yes False No Yes, using VoiceCaption
Yes Yes No¹ False No No
No¹ Yes Yes True No Yes, using VoiceCaption
No¹ Yes Yes False No Yes, using VoiceCaption
No¹ Yes No¹ True No No
No¹ Yes No¹ False No No
Yes No¹ Yes True Yes, using Caption Yes, using Caption
Yes No¹ No¹ True Yes No
Yes No¹ Yes False No Yes, using Caption
Yes No¹ No¹ False No No
No¹ No¹ Yes True No No²
No¹ No¹ Yes False No No²
No¹ No¹ No¹ True No No
No¹ No¹ No¹ False No No


¹If the property setting is null. In some programming languages, an empty string may not be interpreted the same as a null string.

²The command is still voice-accessible.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentCommands Methods Description
GetCommand Retrieves a Command object from the Commands collection.
GetCount Returns the value of the number of Commands in a Commands collection.
SetCaption Sets the value of the Caption property for a Commands collection.
GetCaption Returns the value of the Caption property of a Commands collection.
SetVoice Sets the value of the Voice property for a Commands collection.
GetVoice Returns the value of the Voice property of a Commands collection.
SetVisible Sets the value of the Visible property for a Commands collection.
GetVisible Returns the value of the Visible property of a Commands collection.
Add Adds a Command object to a Commands collection.
Insert Inserts a Command object in a Commands collection.
Remove Removes a Command object in a Commands collection.
RemoveAll Removes all Command objects from a Commands collection.