
[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

IAgentNotifySink notifies clients when certain state changes occur. These functions are also available from IAgentNotifySinkEx.

Methods in Vtable Order

IAgentNotifySink Description
Command Occurs when the server processes a client-defined command.
ActivateInputState Occurs when a character becomes or ceases to be input-active.
BalloonVisibleState Occurs when the character's Visible state changes.
Click Event Occurs when a character is clicked.
DblClick Event Occurs when a character is double-clicked.
DragStart Occurs when a user starts dragging a character.
DragComplete Occurs when a user stops dragging a character.
RequestStart Occurs when the server begins processing a Request object.
RequestComplete Occurs when the server completes processing a Request object.
Bookmark Occurs when the server processes a bookmark.
Idle Occurs when the server starts or ends idle processing.
Move Occurs when a character has been moved.
Size Occurs when a character has been resized.
BalloonVisibleState Occurs when the visibility state of a character's word balloon changes.


The IAgentNotifySink::Restart and IAgentNotifySink::Shutdown events, supported in earlier versions of Microsoft Agent, are now obsolete. While supported for backward compatibility, the server no longer sends these events.