Document Conventions

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

This documentation uses the following typographical conventions:

Convention Description
Sub, Visible, Caption Words in bold with initial letter capitalized indicate keywords.
agent, String, Now Italic words indicate placeholders for information you supply.
ENTER, F1 Words in all capital letters indicate filenames, key names, and key sequences.
Agent1.Commands.Enabled = True Text in this font indicate code samples.
' This is a comment An apostrophe (') indicates a code comment.
Agent1.Commands.Add "Test1", _ A space and an underscore (_) continues a line of code.
[words or expression] Items inside square brackets are optional.
This | That A vertical bar indicates a choice between two or more items.
agent The word "agent" in italics represents the name of the agent control you use.


The descriptions of programming interfaces in this document follow the conventions for Microsoft VBScript. However, they should be generally applicable to other languages as well.