Character Object Properties

[Microsoft Agent is deprecated as of Windows 7, and may be unavailable in subsequent versions of Windows.]

The Character object exposes the following properties:

Note that the Height, Left, Top, and Width properties of a character differ from those that may be supported by the programming environment for the placement of the control. The Character properties apply to the visible presentation of a character, not the location of the Microsoft Agent control.

As with Character object methods, you can access a character's properties using the Characters collection, or simplify your syntax by declaring an object variable and setting it to a character in the collection. In the following example, Test1 and Test2 will be set to the same value:

   Dim Genie 
   Dim MyRequest
   Sub window_Onload

   Agent.Characters.Load "Genie", ""

   Set Genie = Agent.Characters("Genie")

   Genie.MoveTo 15,15
   Set MyRequest = Genie.Show()

   End Sub

   Sub Agent_RequestComplete(ByVal Request)

   If Request = MyRequest Then 
      Test1 = Agent.Characters("Genie").Top
      Test2 = Genie.Top
      MsgBox "Test 1 is " + cstr(Test1) + "and Test 2 is " + cstr(Test2)
   End If

   End Sub

Because the server loads a character asynchronously, ensure that the character has been loaded before querying its properties, for example, using the RequestComplete event. Otherwise, the properties may return incorrect values.