Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortOffloadSettingData class
Represents the port offload feature setting data.
The following syntax is simplified Managed Object Format (MOF) code, and it includes all of the inherited properties.
[Dynamic, Provider("VmmsWmiInstanceAndMethodProvider"), UUID("C885BFD1-ABB7-418F-8163-9F379C9F7166"), ExtensionId("11EC6134-128A-4A23-B12F-164184B48348"), InterfaceVersion("4"), InterfaceRevision("0"), DisplayName("Ethernet Switch Port Offload Settings"), AMENDMENT]
class Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortOffloadSettingData : Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortFeatureSettingData
string InstanceID;
string Caption = "Ethernet Switch Port Offload Settings";
string Description = "Represents the port offload feature setting data.";
string ElementName = "Ethernet Switch Port Offload Settings";
uint32 IPSecOffloadLimit = 512;
uint32 VMQOffloadWeight = 100;
uint32 IOVOffloadWeight = 0;
uint32 IOVQueuePairsRequested = 1;
uint32 IOVInterruptModeration = 0;
uint32 PacketDirectModerationInterval = 0;
uint32 VmmqQueuePairs = 16;
uint32 VrssVmbusChannelAffinityPolicy = 3;
boolean VrssIndependentHostSpreading = FALSE;
boolean VrssExcludePrimaryProcessor = FALSE;
uint32 VrssQueueSchedulingMode = 2;
uint32 VrssMinQueuePairs = 1;
boolean VmmqEnabled = FALSE;
boolean VrssEnabled = TRUE;
uint32 PacketDirectModerationCount = 0;
uint32 PacketDirectNumProcs = 1;
The Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortOffloadSettingData class has these types of members:
The Msvm_EthernetSwitchPortOffloadSettingData class has these properties.
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
A short description of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement, and it is always set to "Ethernet Switch Port Offload Settings".
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
A description of the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement, and it is always set to "Represents the port offload feature setting data.".
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
A display name for the object. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement, and it is always set to "Ethernet Switch Port Offload Settings".
Data type: string
Access type: Read-only
Qualifiers: Key
Uniquely identifies an instance of this class. This property is inherited from CIM_ManagedElement.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (5), InterfaceVersion (1), InterfaceRevision (0)
The interrupt moderation value for I/O virtualization (IOV) offloading. The default is 0.
Default (0)
Adaptive (1)
Off (2)
Low (100)
Medium (200)
High (300)
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (3), InterfaceVersion (1), InterfaceRevision (0)
The weight assigned to this port for I/O virtualization (IOV) offloading. The weight is the relative importance when assigning IOV resources. Setting the IOVOffloadWeight property to 0 disables IOV offloading on the port. The default is 0.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (4), InterfaceVersion (1), InterfaceRevision (0)
The number of queue pairs requested for this port for I/O virtualization (IOV) offloading. The default is 1.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (1), InterfaceVersion (1), InterfaceRevision (0)
The maximum number of security association (SA) offload slots allowed from the port.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (7), InterfaceVersion (2), InterfaceRevision (0)
The interrupt moderation count value for Packet Direct (PD).The default is 0.
Property added in Windows 10.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (8), InterfaceVersion (2), InterfaceRevision (0)
The interrupt moderation interval value for Packet Direct (PD).The default is 0.
Property added in Windows 10.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (6), InterfaceVersion (2), InterfaceRevision (0)
The number of processors used by the host for processing packets sent from this port in Packet Direct mode. The default is 1.
Property added in Windows 10.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (10), InterfaceVersion (3), InterfaceRevision (0)
Enable VMMQ offload if supported by hardware.The default is False.
This property was added in Windows 10, version 1703 and Windows Server 2016.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (11), InterfaceVersion (3), InterfaceRevision (0)
The number of queues to allocate when VRSS is enabled. The default is 16.
This property was added in Windows 10, version 1703 and Windows Server 2016.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (2), InterfaceVersion (1), InterfaceRevision (0)
The weight assigned to this port for virtual machine queue (VMQ) offloading. The weight is the relative importance when assigning VMQ resources. Setting the VMQOffloadWeight property to 0 disables VMQ on the port. The default is 100.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (9), InterfaceVersion (3), InterfaceRevision (0)
Enable VRSS. The default is true.
This property was added in Windows 10, version 1703 and Windows Server 2016.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (14), InterfaceVersion (4), InterfaceRevision (0)
Whether to exclude primary VMQ processor from the VRSS indirection table when VRSS is enabled.The default is false.
Added in Windows 10, version 1709.
Data type: boolean
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (15), InterfaceVersion (4), InterfaceRevision (0)
Whether to always do host-side VRSS when VRSS is enabled, regardless of RSS setting of the virtual NIC.The default is false.
Added in Windows 10, version 1709.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (12), InterfaceVersion (4), InterfaceRevision (0)
The minimum number of queues to allocate when VRSS is enabled.The default is 1.
Added in Windows 10, version 1709.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (13), InterfaceVersion (4), InterfaceRevision (0)
The queue scheduling mode to use when VRSS is enabled.The default is static scheduling.
Added in Windows 10, version 1709.
Data type: uint32
Access type: Read/write
Qualifiers: WmiDataId (16), InterfaceVersion (4), InterfaceRevision (0)
The vmbus channel affinity policy to use when VRSS is enabled.The default is strong.
Added in Windows 10, version 1709.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client |
Windows 8 [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server |
Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps only] |
Namespace |
Root\Virtualization\V2 |