ModifyResourceSettings method of the CIM_VirtualSystemManagementService class

Modifies virtual resource settings.

When applied to parts of a "current" virtual system configuration, as a side effect resources of the active virtual system may be modified.


uint32 ModifyResourceSettings(
  [in]  string                                ResourceSettings[],
  [out] CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData REF ResultingResourceSettings[],
  [out] CIM_ConcreteJob                   REF Job


ResourceSettings [in]

Array of strings each containing an embedded instance of class CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData that describes modifications to the virtual aspects of an existing virtual resource. All instances must have a valid InstanceID in order to identify the virtual resource setting to be modified.

ResultingResourceSettings [out]

Array of references to instances of class CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData representing virtual aspects of the modified virtual resources.

Job [out]

If the operation is long running, then optionally a job be returned. In this case, the instances of class CIM_ResourceAllocationSettingData representing the modified resource settings are available via association CIM_ConreteComponent from the instance of class CIM_VirtualSystemSettingData representing the affected virtual system configuration.

Return value

Returns a 0 on success; otherwise, returns an error.

Completed with No Error (0)

Not Supported (1)

Failed (2)

Timeout (3)

Invalid Parameter (4)

Invalid State (5)

Incompatible Parameters (6)

DMTF Reserved (..)

Method Parameters Checked - Job Started (4096)

Method Reserved (4097..32767)

Vendor Specific (32768..65535)


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows 8.1
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2012 R2

See also
