JetDeleteColumn2 Function
Applies to: Windows | Windows Server
JetDeleteColumn2 Function
The JetDeleteColumn2 function deletes a column from an ESE database table and enables a grbit option to be set.
Windows XP: JetDeleteColumn2 is introduced in Windows XP.
JET_ERR JET_API JetDeleteColumn2(
__in JET_SESID sesid,
__in JET_TABLEID tableid,
__in const tchar* szColumnName,
__in const JET_GRBIT grbit
The database session context to use for the API call.
The table that contains the column to be deleted.
The name of the column to be deleted.
A group of bits specifying zero or more of the following options.
Value |
Meaning |
JET_bitDeleteColumnIgnoreTemplateColumns |
Setting JET_bitDeleteColumIgnoreTemplateColumns will cause the API to only attempt to delete columns in the derived table. If a column of that name exists in the base table it will be ignored. |
Return Value
This function returns the JET_ERR datatype with one of the following return codes. For more information about the possible ESE errors, see Extensible Storage Engine Errors and Error Handling Parameters.
Return code |
Description |
JET_errSuccess |
The operation completed successfully. |
JET_errColumnInUse |
The column is currently in use. It may be currently used by an index. |
JET_errFixedDDL |
An attempt was made to modify the fixed DDL. |
JET_errFixedInheritedDDL |
The column named in szColumnName exists in the template table, and the DDL of a template table cannot be modified. |
JET_errInvalidName |
This may be returned if a bad name for szColumnName was given. |
JET_errPermissionDenied |
The table is not writable. This may get returned if the database was opened in read-only mode. |
JET_errTransReadOnly |
The transaction is a read-only transaction. |
Calling JetDeleteColumn is identical to calling JetDeleteColumn2 with grbit set to zero (0).
Requirement | Value |
Client |
Requires Windows Vista or Windows XP. |
Server |
Requires Windows Server 2008 or Windows Server 2003. |
Header |
Declared in Esent.h. |
Library |
Use ESENT.lib. |
Requires ESENT.dll. |
Unicode |
Implemented as JetDeleteColumn2W (Unicode) and JetDeleteColumn2A (ANSI). |