IDXCoreAdapter::GetProperty method

Retrieves the value of the specified adapter property. Before calling GetProperty for a property type, call IsPropertySupported to confirm that the property type is available for this adapter and operating system (OS). Also before calling GetProperty, call GetPropertySize to determine the necessary size of the buffer in which to receive the property value.


  DXCoreAdapterProperty property,
  size_t bufferSize,
  _Out_writes_bytes_(bufferSize) void *propertyData) = 0;

template <class T>
HRESULT GetProperty( 
  DXCoreAdapterProperty property,
  _Out_writes_bytes_(sizeof(T)) T *propertyData);



Type: DXCoreAdapterProperty

The type of the property whose value you wish to retrieve. See the table in DXCoreAdapterProperty for more info about each adapter property.


Type: size_t

The size, in bytes, of the output buffer that you allocate and provide in propertyData.

propertyData [out]

Type: void*

A pointer to an output buffer that you allocate in your application, and that the function fills in. Call GetPropertySize to determine the size that the propertyData buffer should be for a given adapter property.



If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.

Return value Description
DXGI_ERROR_INVALID_CALL The property type specified in property is not recognized by this operating system (OS). Call IsPropertySupported to confirm that the property type is available for this adapter and operating system (OS).
DXGI_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED The property type specified in property is not supported by the adapter. Call IsPropertySupported to confirm that the property type is available for this adapter and operating system (OS).
E_INVALIDARG An insufficient buffer size is provided in propertyData. Call GetPropertySize to determine the size that the propertyData buffer should be for a given adapter property.
E_POINTER nullptr was provided for propertyData.


You can call GetProperty on an adapter that's no longer valid—the function won't fail as a result of that. This function zeros out the propertyData buffer prior to filling it in.

See also

IDXCoreAdapter, DXCore reference, Using DXCore to enumerate adapters