Texture2DMS::sample.Operator function

Retrieves a value from the resource at the location and sample index provided.


R sample.Operator[][](
  in uint sampleSlice,
  in uint2 pos


sampleSlice [in]

Type: uint

The sample slice index.

pos [in]

Type: uint2

The index position. The components contain the (x, y) coordinates.

Return value

Type: R

A read-only resource variable.


Usage Example

Texture2DMS<float4, 8> tex;

float4 main( float3 tcoord : texturecoord0 ) : SV_Target
     return s_msTexture.sample[2][tcoord];

This function is supported for the following types of shaders:

Vertex Hull Domain Geometry Pixel Compute
x x x x x x


See also


Shader Model 5