sgn - vs

Computes the sign of the input.


sgn dst, src0, src1, src2



  • dst is the destination register.
  • src0 is a source register.
  • src1 is a temporary register that holds intermediate results. Following execution, contents are undefined.
  • src2 is a temporary register that holds intermediate results. Following execution, contents are undefined.


Vertex shader versions 1_1 2_0 2_x 2_sw 3_0 3_sw
sgn x x x x x


This instruction works as shown below.

for each component in src0
   if (src0.component < 0) 
       dest.component = -1; 
       if (src0.component == 0) 
           dest.component = 0; 
           dest.component = 1;

src1 and src2 must be different Temporary Registers.

Vertex Shader Instructions