ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface

An application uses the methods of this interface to implement a key frame animation set.


The ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface inherits from ID3DXAnimationSet. ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet also has these types of members:


The ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet interface has these methods.

Method Description
Compress Transforms animations in an animation set into a compressed format and returns a pointer to the buffer that stores the compressed data.
GetCallbackKey Gets information about a specific callback in the animation set.
GetCallbackKeys Fills an array with callback key data used for key frame animation.
GetNumCallbackKeys Gets the number of callback keys in the animation set.
GetNumRotationKeys Gets the number of rotation keys in the specified key frame animation.
GetNumScaleKeys Gets the number of scale keys in the specified key frame animation.
GetNumTranslationKeys Gets the number of translation keys in the specified key frame animation.
GetPlaybackType Gets the type of the animation set playback loop.
GetRotationKey Get rotation information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
GetRotationKeys Fills an array with rotational key data used for key frame animation.
GetScaleKey Get scale information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
GetScaleKeys Fills an array with scale key data used for key frame animation.
GetSourceTicksPerSecond Gets the number of animation key frame ticks that occur per second.
GetTranslationKey Get translation information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
GetTranslationKeys Fills an array with translational key data used for key frame animation.
RegisterAnimationSRTKeys Register the scale, rotate, and translate (SRT) key frame data for an animation.
SetCallbackKey Sets information about a specific callback in the animation set.
SetRotationKey Set rotation information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
SetScaleKey Set scale information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
SetTranslationKey Set translation information for a specific key frame in the animation set.
UnregisterAnimation Remove the animation data from the animation set.
UnregisterRotationKey Removes the rotation data at the specified key frame.
UnregisterScaleKey Removes the scale data at the specified key frame.
UnregisterTranslationKey Removes the translation data at the specified key frame.



Create a keyframed animation set with D3DXCreateKeyframedAnimationSet.

The LPD3DXKEYFRAMEDANIMATIONSET type is defined as a pointer to this interface.

typedef interface ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet;
typedef interface ID3DXKeyframedAnimationSet *LPD3DXKEYFRAMEDANIMATIONSET;


Requirement Value

See also


D3DX Interfaces