UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup method of the Win32_ComputerSystem class

The UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup method removes a computer system from a domain or workgroup.

This topic uses Managed Object Format (MOF) syntax. For more information about using this method, see Calling a Method.


uint32 UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup(
  [in] string Password,
  [in] string UserName,
  [in] uint32 FUnjoinOptions = 


Password [in]

If the UserName parameter specifies an account name, the Password parameter must point to the password to use when connecting to the domain controller. Otherwise, this parameter must be NULL.


Password must use a high authentication level, not less than RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, when connecting to Winmgmt or CoSetProxyBlanket on the IWbemServices pointer. If local to Winmgmt, this is not a concern.

UserName [in]

Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string that specifies the account name to use when connecting to the domain controller. Must specify a domain and user account, for example, "domain\user" or "user@domain". If this parameter is NULL, the caller context is used.


UserName must use a high authentication level, not less than RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY, when connecting to Winmgmt or CoSetProxyBlanket on the IWbemServices pointer. If local to Winmgmt, this is not a concern.

FUnjoinOptions [in]

Set of bit flags defining the unjoin options.


Default. No options.


Disable the Active Directory account after the unjoin operation, but do not delete the account.

Return value

The UnjoinDomainOrWorkgroup method returns 0 (zero) on success or when no options are involved. Any other value indicates an error. For error codes, see WMI Error Constants or WbemErrorEnum. For general HRESULT values, see System Error Codes.

Success (0)

Other (1 4294967295)


After calling this method, restart the affected computer to apply the changes.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client
Windows Vista
Minimum supported server
Windows Server 2008

See also


JoinDomainOrWorkgroup method