IXpsOMPackage::SetCoreProperties method (xpsobjectmodel.h)

Sets the IXpsOMCoreProperties interface of the XPS package.


HRESULT SetCoreProperties(
  [in] IXpsOMCoreProperties *coreProperties


[in] coreProperties

The IXpsOMCoreProperties interface pointer to be assigned to the package. A NULL pointer releases any previously assigned core properties interface.

Return value

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the table that follows. For information about XPS document API return values that are not listed in this table, see XPS Document Errors.

Return code Description
The method succeeded.
coreProperties does not point to a recognized interface implementation. Custom implementation of XPS Document API interfaces is not supported.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Vista [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2008 with SP2 and Platform Update for Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header xpsobjectmodel.h

See also



XML Paper Specification

XPS Document Errors