IWTSProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration method (wtsprotocol.h)

[IWTSProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration is no longer available for use as of Windows Server 2012. Instead, use IWRdsProtocolConnection::SessionArbitrationEnumeration.]

Retrieves a collection of session IDs for reconnection.


HRESULT SessionArbitrationEnumeration(
  [in]      HANDLE_PTR hUserToken,
  [in]      BOOL       bSingleSessionPerUserEnabled,
  [out]     ULONG      *pSessionIdArray,
  [in, out] ULONG      *pdwSessionIdentifierCount


[in] hUserToken

A pointer to a user token handle.

[in] bSingleSessionPerUserEnabled

A Boolean value that specifies whether a user can be associated with, at most, one session.

[out] pSessionIdArray

A pointer to an array of integers that contains the disconnected session IDs for the user.

[in, out] pdwSessionIdentifierCount

A pointer to an integer that specifies the number of disconnected session IDs referenced by the pSessionIdArray parameter.

Return value



The Remote Desktop Services service calls this method to find existing sessions that this user can reconnect to. If this method returns an HRESULT error code or it does not return any session IDs, the Remote Desktop Services service performs arbitration itself.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header wtsprotocol.h

See also
