IWSManResourceLocator::AddOption method (wsmandisp.h)

Adds data required to process the request. For example, some WMI providers may require an IWbemContext or SWbemNamedValueSet object with provider-specific information. You can provide a ResourceLocator object instead of specifying a resource URI in IWSManSession object operations such as Get, Put, or Enumerate.


HRESULT AddOption(
  [in] BSTR    OptionName,
  [in] VARIANT OptionValue,
  [in] BOOL    mustComply


[in] OptionName

The name of the optional data object.

[in] OptionValue

A value supplied for the optional data object.

[in] mustComply

A flag that indicates the option must be processed. The default is False (0).

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header wsmandisp.h
Library WSManDisp.tlb
DLL WSMAuto.dll

See also

