winver.h header

This header is used by Menus and Other Resources. For more information, see:

winver.h contains the following programming interfaces:



Retrieves version information for the specified file. (GetFileVersionInfoA)

Retrieves version information for the specified file. (GetFileVersionInfoExA)

Retrieves version information for the specified file. (GetFileVersionInfoExW)

Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSize returns the size, in bytes, of that information. (ANSI)

Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx returns the size, in bytes, of that information. (ANSI)

Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSizeEx returns the size, in bytes, of that information. (Unicode)

Determines whether the operating system can retrieve version information for a specified file. If version information is available, GetFileVersionInfoSize returns the size, in bytes, of that information. (Unicode)

Retrieves version information for the specified file. (GetFileVersionInfoW)

Determines where to install a file based on whether it locates another version of the file in the system. The values VerFindFile returns in the specified buffers are used in a subsequent call to the VerInstallFile function. (ANSI)

Determines where to install a file based on whether it locates another version of the file in the system. The values VerFindFile returns in the specified buffers are used in a subsequent call to the VerInstallFile function. (Unicode)

Installs the specified file based on information returned from the VerFindFile function. VerInstallFile decompresses the file, if necessary, assigns a unique filename, and checks for errors, such as outdated files. (ANSI)

Installs the specified file based on information returned from the VerFindFile function. VerInstallFile decompresses the file, if necessary, assigns a unique filename, and checks for errors, such as outdated files. (Unicode)

Retrieves a description string for the language associated with a specified binary Microsoft language identifier. (ANSI)

Retrieves a description string for the language associated with a specified binary Microsoft language identifier. (Unicode)

Retrieves specified version information from the specified version-information resource. (ANSI)

Retrieves specified version information from the specified version-information resource. (Unicode)