winperf.h header
This header is used by Performance Counters. For more information, see:
winperf.h contains the following programming interfaces:
Callback functions
PM_CLOSE_PROC Performs the cleanup required by your performance DLL. |
PM_COLLECT_PROC Collects the performance data and returns it to the consumer. |
PERF_COUNTER_BLOCK Describes the block of memory that contains the raw performance counter data for an object's counters. |
PERF_COUNTER_DEFINITION Describes a performance counter. |
PERF_DATA_BLOCK Describes the performance data block that you queried, for example, the number of performance objects returned by the provider and the time-based values that you use when calculating performance values. |
PERF_INSTANCE_DEFINITION Describes an instance of a performance object. |
PERF_OBJECT_TYPE Describes object-specific performance information, for example, the number of instances of the object and the number of counters that the object defines. |