SYSGEOTYPE enumeration (winnls.h)
Defines the type of geographical location information requested in the GetGeoInfo or GetGeoInfoEx function.
typedef enum SYSGEOTYPE {
GEO_NATION = 0x0001,
GEO_LATITUDE = 0x0002,
GEO_ISO2 = 0x0004,
GEO_ISO3 = 0x0005,
GEO_RFC1766 = 0x0006,
GEO_LCID = 0x0007,
GEO_PARENT = 0x000D,
GEO_NAME = 0x0011,
GEO_ID = 0x0012
} ;
GEO_NATION Value: 0x0001 The geographical location identifier (GEOID) of a nation. This value is stored in a long integer. Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: This value is not supported for the GetGeoInfoEx function, and should not be used. |
GEO_LATITUDE Value: 0x0002 The latitude of the location. This value is stored in a floating-point number. |
GEO_LONGITUDE Value: 0x0003 The longitude of the location. This value is stored in a floating-point number. |
GEO_ISO2 Value: 0x0004 The ISO 2-letter country/region code. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_ISO3 Value: 0x0005 The ISO 3-letter country/region code. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_RFC1766 Value: 0x0006 The name for a string, compliant with RFC 4646 (starting with Windows Vista), that is derived from the GetGeoInfo parameters language and GeoId. Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: This value is not supported for the GetGeoInfoEx function, and should not be used. |
GEO_LCID Value: 0x0007 A locale identifier derived using GetGeoInfo. Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: This value is not supported for the GetGeoInfoEx function, and should not be used. |
GEO_FRIENDLYNAME Value: 0x0008 The friendly name of the nation, for example, Germany. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_OFFICIALNAME Value: 0x0009 The official name of the nation, for example, Federal Republic of Germany. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_TIMEZONES Value: 0x000A Not implemented. |
GEO_OFFICIALLANGUAGES Value: 0x000B Not implemented. |
GEO_ISO_UN_NUMBER Value: 0x000C Starting with Windows 8: The ISO 3-digit country/region code. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_PARENT Value: 0x000D Starting with Windows 8: The geographical location identifier of the parent region of a country/region. This value is stored in a string. |
GEO_DIALINGCODE Value: 0x000E Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: The dialing code to use with telephone numbers in the geographic location. For example, 1 for the United States. |
GEO_CURRENCYCODE Value: 0x000F Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: The three-letter code for the currency that the geographic location uses. For example, USD for United States dollars. |
GEO_CURRENCYSYMBOL Value: 0x0010 Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: The symbol for the currency that the geographic location uses. For example, the dollar sign ($). |
GEO_NAME Value: 0x0011 Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: The two-letter International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 3166-1 code or numeric United Nations (UN) Series M, Number 49 (M.49) code for the geographic region. For information about two-letter ISO 3166-1 codes, see Country Codes - ISO 3166. For information about numeric UN M.49 codes, see Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49). |
GEO_ID Value: 0x0012 Starting with Windows 10, version 1709: The Windows geographical location identifiers (GEOID) for the region. This value is provided for backward compatibility. Do not use this value in new applications, but use GEO_NAME instead. |
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows XP [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps | UWP apps] |
Header | winnls.h (include Windows.h) |