ldap_extended_operationA function (winldap.h)

The ldap_extended_operation function enables you to pass extended LDAP operations to the server.


WINLDAPAPI ULONG LDAPAPI ldap_extended_operationA(
  [in]  LDAP          *ld,
  [in]  const PSTR    Oid,
  [in]  berval        *Data,
  [in]  PLDAPControlA *ServerControls,
  [in]  PLDAPControlA *ClientControls,
  [out] ULONG         *MessageNumber


[in] ld

The session handle.

[in] Oid

A pointer to a null-terminated string that contains the dotted object identifier text string that names the request.

[in] Data

The arbitrary data required by the operation. If NULL, no data is sent to the server.

[in] ServerControls

Optional. A list of LDAP server controls. Set this parameter to NULL, if not used.

[in] ClientControls

Optional. A list of client controls. Set this parameter to NULL, if not used.

[out] MessageNumber

The message ID for the request.

Return value

If the function succeeds, LDAP_SUCCESS is returned.

If the function fails, an error code is returned. For more information, see Return Values.


The ldap_extended_operation function enables a client to send an extended request (free for all) to an LDAP 3 (or later) server. The functionality is open and the client request can be for any operation.

As an asynchronous function, ldap_extended_operation returns a message ID for the operation. Call ldap_result with the message ID to get the result of the operation. To cancel an asynchronous operation, call ldap_abandon.

Because of the open nature of the request, the client must call ldap_close_extended_op to terminate the request.

Multithreading: The ldap_extended_operation function is thread-safe.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header winldap.h
Library Wldap32.lib
DLL Wldap32.dll

See also


Return Values


