ldap_create_sort_control function (winldap.h)

The ldap_create_sort_control function is used to format a list of sort keys into a search control. Support for controls is available effective with LDAP 3, but whether the sort control is supported or not is dependent on the particular server.


WINLDAPAPI ULONG LDAPAPI ldap_create_sort_control(
  [in]  PLDAP         ExternalHandle,
  [in]  PLDAPSortKeyA *SortKeys,
  [in]  UCHAR         IsCritical,
  [out] PLDAPControlA *Control


[in] ExternalHandle

The session handle.

[in] SortKeys

Pointer to an array of LDAPSortKey structures. Each structure in the array specifies the name of an attribute to use as a sort key, the matching rule for that key, and whether the sort order is ascending or descending.

[in] IsCritical

Notifies the server whether this control is critical to the search. 0 ==> FALSE, !0 ==> TRUE.

[out] Control

Pointer to the newly created control.

Return value

This function returns WINLDAPAPI ULONG LDAPAPI.


The ldap_create_sort_control function creates a basic sort control. Such a control is useful when the LDAP client has limited functionality and cannot sort results, yet needs them sorted.

The sort controls allow a server to return a result code for the sorting of the results that is independent of the result code returned for the search operation.

This function creates the control — it does not verify that the server supports it, and consequently, does not return LDAP_UNAVAILABLE_CRIT_EXTENSION if the server does not support the control. However, it can return other standard LDAP return values, such as LDAP_NO_MEMORY or LDAP_PARAM_ERROR.

To free the control when it is no longer required, call ldap_control_free.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header winldap.h
Library Wldap32.lib
DLL Wldap32.dll

See also



