wglMakeCurrent function (wingdi.h)

The wglMakeCurrent function makes a specified OpenGL rendering context the calling thread's current rendering context. All subsequent OpenGL calls made by the thread are drawn on the device identified by hdc. You can also use wglMakeCurrent to change the calling thread's current rendering context so it's no longer current.


BOOL wglMakeCurrent(
  HDC   unnamedParam1,
  HGLRC unnamedParam2



Handle to a device context. Subsequent OpenGL calls made by the calling thread are drawn on the device identified by hdc.


Handle to an OpenGL rendering context that the function sets as the calling thread's rendering context.

If hglrc is NULL, the function makes the calling thread's current rendering context no longer current, and releases the device context that is used by the rendering context. In this case, hdc is ignored.

Return value

When the wglMakeCurrent function succeeds, the return value is TRUE; otherwise the return value is FALSE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.


The hdc parameter must refer to a drawing surface supported by OpenGL. It need not be the same hdc that was passed to wglCreateContext when hglrc was created, but it must be on the same device and have the same pixel format. GDI transformation and clipping in hdc are not supported by the rendering context. The current rendering context uses the hdc device context until the rendering context is no longer current.

Before switching to the new rendering context, OpenGL flushes any previous rendering context that was current to the calling thread.

A thread can have one current rendering context. A process can have multiple rendering contexts by means of multithreading. A thread must set a current rendering context before calling any OpenGL functions. Otherwise, all OpenGL calls are ignored.

A rendering context can be current to only one thread at a time. You cannot make a rendering context current to multiple threads.

An application can perform multithread drawing by making different rendering contexts current to different threads, supplying each thread with its own rendering context and device context.

If an error occurs, the wglMakeCurrent function makes the thread's current rendering context not current before returning.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 2000 Professional [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows 2000 Server [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header wingdi.h
Library Opengl32.lib
DLL Opengl32.dll

See also

OpenGL on Windows

WGL Functions



