IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle method (windowsstoragecom.h)
Gets a handle from a random-access byte stream that the StorageFile.OpenAsync method created and registers a callback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for the handle is broken.
HRESULT OpenUnbufferedFileHandle(
[in] IUnbufferedFileHandleOplockCallback *oplockBreakCallback,
[out, retval] DWORD_PTR *fileHandle
[in] oplockBreakCallback
An interface that contains the implementation of the IUnbufferedFileHandleOplockCallback::OnBrokenCallback method that you want to run when the opportunistic lock for the handle is broken.
[out, retval] fileHandle
The handle from the random-access byte stream.
Return value
If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.
IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle opens a new handle that is open for GENERIC_READ. IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::OpenUnbufferedFileHandle does not return the actual handle underlying the stream, or a duplicate of that handle.
Call IUnbufferedFileHandleProvider::CloseUnbufferedFileHandle when you no longer need the handle. The handle is also closed when the opportunistic lock breaks, so your code must process exceptions that occur when the handle is not valid.
Requirement | Value |
Minimum supported client | Windows 10 [desktop apps only] |
Minimum supported server | Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only] |
Target Platform | Windows |
Header | windowsstoragecom.h |
DLL | Windows.storage.dll |
See also