windnsdef.h header
This header is used by Domain Name System (DNS). For more information, see:
windnsdef.h contains the following programming interfaces:
DNS_A_DATA The DNS_A_DATA structure represents a DNS address (A) record as specified in section 3.4.1 of RFC 1035. |
DNS_AAAA_DATA The DNS_AAAA_DATA structure represents a DNS IPv6 (AAAA) record as specified in RFC 3596. |
DNS_ADDR A DNS_ADDR structure stores an IPv4 or IPv6 address. |
DNS_ADDR_ARRAY Stores an array of IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. |
DNS_ATMA_DATA The DNS_ATMA_DATA structure represents a DNS ATM address (ATMA) resource record (RR). |
DNS_CUSTOM_SERVER Represents a DNS custom server. A DNS_CUSTOM_SERVER object is passed to DnsQueryEx via the DNS_QUERY_REQUEST3 structure. |
DNS_DHCID_DATA Represents a DNS Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Information (DHCID) resource record (RR) as specified in section 3 of RFC 4701. |
DNS_DS_DATA Represents a DS resource record (RR) as specified in section 2 of RFC 4034 and is used to verify the contents of DNS_DNSKEY_DATA. |
DNS_HEADER The DNS_HEADER structure contains DNS header information used when sending DNS messages as specified in section 4.1.1 of RFC 1035. |
DNS_KEY_DATA The DNS_KEY_DATA structure represents a DNS key (KEY) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 3445. |
DNS_LOC_DATA The DNS_LOC_DATA structure represents a DNS location (LOC) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 1876. |
DNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER The DNS_MESSAGE_BUFFER structure stores message information for DNS queries. |
DNS_MINFO_DATAA The DNS_MINFO_DATA structure represents a DNS mail information (MINFO) record as specified in section 3.3.7 of RFC 1035. (ANSI) |
DNS_MINFO_DATAW The DNS_MINFO_DATA structure represents a DNS mail information (MINFO) record as specified in section 3.3.7 of RFC 1035. (Unicode) |
DNS_MX_DATAA The DNS_MX_DATA structure represents a DNS mail exchanger (MX) record as specified in section 3.3.9 of RFC 1035. (ANSI) |
DNS_MX_DATAW The DNS_MX_DATA structure represents a DNS mail exchanger (MX) record as specified in section 3.3.9 of RFC 1035. (Unicode) |
DNS_NAPTR_DATAA The DNS_NAPTR_DATA structure represents a Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) DNS Resource Record (RR) as specified in RFC 2915. (ANSI) |
DNS_NAPTR_DATAW The DNS_NAPTR_DATA structure represents a Naming Authority Pointer (NAPTR) DNS Resource Record (RR) as specified in RFC 2915. (Unicode) |
DNS_NSEC_DATAA Represents an NSEC resource record (RR) as specified in section 4 of RFC 4034. (ANSI) |
DNS_NSEC_DATAW Represents an NSEC resource record (RR) as specified in section 4 of RFC 4034. (Unicode) |
DNS_NULL_DATA The DNS_NULL_DATA structure represents NULL data for a DNS resource record as specified in section 3.3.10 of RFC 1035. |
DNS_NXT_DATAA The DNS_NXT_DATA structure represents a DNS next (NXT) resource record (RR) as specified in section 5 of RFC 2535. (ANSI) |
DNS_NXT_DATAW The DNS_NXT_DATA structure represents a DNS next (NXT) resource record (RR) as specified in section 5 of RFC 2535. (Unicode) |
DNS_OPT_DATA Represents a DNS Option (OPT) resource record (RR) as specified in section 4 of RFC 2671. |
DNS_PTR_DATAA The DNS_PTR_DATA structure represents a DNS pointer (PTR) record as specified in section 3.3.12 of RFC 1035. (ANSI) |
DNS_PTR_DATAW The DNS_PTR_DATA structure represents a DNS pointer (PTR) record as specified in section 3.3.12 of RFC 1035. (Unicode) |
DNS_RECORD_FLAGS The DNS_RECORD_FLAGS structure is used to set flags for use in the DNS_RECORD structure. |
DNS_RECORDA Stores a DNS resource record (RR). (ANSI) |
DNS_RECORDW Stores a DNS resource record (RR). (Unicode) |
DNS_SIG_DATAA Structure represents a DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) cryptographic signature (SIG) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 4034. (ANSI) |
DNS_SIG_DATAW Structure represents a DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC) cryptographic signature (SIG) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 4034. (Unicode) |
DNS_SOA_DATAA The DNS_SOA_DATA structure represents a DNS start of authority (SOA) record as specified in section 3.3.13 of RFC 1035. (ANSI) |
DNS_SOA_DATAW The DNS_SOA_DATA structure represents a DNS start of authority (SOA) record as specified in section 3.3.13 of RFC 1035. (Unicode) |
DNS_SRV_DATAA The DNS_SRV_DATA structure represents a DNS service (SRV) record as specified in RFC 2782. (ANSI) |
DNS_SRV_DATAW The DNS_SRV_DATA structure represents a DNS service (SRV) record as specified in RFC 2782. (Unicode) |
DNS_TKEY_DATAA The DNS_TKEY_DATA structure represents a DNS TKEY resource record, used to establish and delete an algorithm's shared-secret keys between a DNS resolver and server as specified in RFC 2930. (ANSI) |
DNS_TKEY_DATAW The DNS_TKEY_DATA structure represents a DNS TKEY resource record, used to establish and delete an algorithm's shared-secret keys between a DNS resolver and server as specified in RFC 2930. (Unicode) |
DNS_TSIG_DATAA The DNS_TSIG_DATA structure represents a secret key transaction authentication (TSIG) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 2845 and RFC 3645. (ANSI) |
DNS_TSIG_DATAW The DNS_TSIG_DATA structure represents a secret key transaction authentication (TSIG) resource record (RR) as specified in RFC 2845 and RFC 3645. (Unicode) |
DNS_TXT_DATAA The DNS_TXT_DATA structure represents a DNS text (TXT) record as specified in section 3.3.14 of RFC 1035. (ANSI) |
DNS_TXT_DATAW The DNS_TXT_DATA structure represents a DNS text (TXT) record as specified in section 3.3.14 of RFC 1035. (Unicode) |
DNS_WINS_DATA The DNS_WINS_DATA structure represents a DNS Windows Internet Name Service (WINS) record. |
DNS_WINSR_DATAA The DNS_WINSR_DATA structure represents a DNS Windows Internet Name Service reverse-lookup (WINSR) record. (ANSI) |
DNS_WINSR_DATAW The DNS_WINSR_DATA structure represents a DNS Windows Internet Name Service reverse-lookup (WINSR) record. (Unicode) |
DNS_WKS_DATA The DNS_WKS_DATA structure represents a DNS well-known services (WKS) record as specified in section 3.4.2 of RFC 1035. |
IP6_ADDRESS The IP6_ADDRESS structure stores an IPv6 address. (IP6_ADDRESS) |
DNS_CHARSET The DNS_CHARSET enumeration specifies the character set used. |
DNS_SECTION The DNS_SECTION enumeration is used in record flags, and as an index into DNS wire message header section counts. |