WinBioGetEnrolledFactors function (winbio.h)

Gets information about the biometric enrollments that the specified user has on the computer. Biometric enrollments include enrollments for facial recognition, fingerprint scanning, iris scanning, and so on.


HRESULT WinBioGetEnrolledFactors(
  [in]  WINBIO_IDENTITY       *AccountOwner,
  [out] WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_TYPE *EnrolledFactors


[in] AccountOwner

A WINBIO_IDENTITY structure for the user whose biometric enrollments you want to get. For example:

WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {};
identity.Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;

// Move an account SID into identity.Value.AccountSid.Data.
// For example, CopySid(...)

To see the enrollments for every user on the computer, specify the WINBIO_ID_TYPE_WILDCARD identity type for the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure that you specify for the AccountOwner parameter. For example:

WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {};

[out] EnrolledFactors

A set of WINBIO_BIOMETRIC_TYPE flags that indicate the biometric enrollments that the specified user has on the computer. A value of 0 indicates that the user has no biometric enrollments.

These enrollments represent system pool enrollments only, such as enrollments that you can use to authenticate a user for sign-in, unlock, and so on. This value does not include private pool enrollments.

If you specify the wildcard identity type for the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure that you use for the AccountOwner parameter, this set of flags represents the combined set of enrollments for all users with accounts on the computer.

Return value

If the function succeeds, it returns S_OK. If the function fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.

Return code Description
The AccountOwner and EnrolledFactors parameters cannot be NULL.
The Type member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure that the AccountOnwer parameter specified was not WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID or WINBIO_ID_TYPE_WILDCARD, or the AccountSid member of the WINBIO_IDENTITY structure was not valid.


WinBioGetEnrolledFactors does not require a biometric session handle and does not activate the biometric service. Consequently, WinBioGetEnrolledFactors runs quickly and is useful when your code needs to make quick decisions about how to proceed when time is critical for the set of operations you need to perform.

WinBioGetEnrolledFactors provides credential providers with a way to tailor their UI appropriately. For example, the login screen calls WinBioGetEnrolledFactors to determine whether to display the option to login with a fingerprint.



WINBIO_IDENTITY identity = {};
identity.Type = WINBIO_ID_TYPE_SID;

// Move an account SID into identity.Value.AccountSid.Data.
// e.g., CopySid(...)

HRESULT hr = WinBioGetEnrolledFactors(&identity, &enrolledFactors);


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2016 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header winbio.h
Library Winbio.lib
DLL Winbio.dll

See also