IWbemPropertyProvider::PutProperty method (wbemprov.h)

The IWbemPropertyProvider::PutProperty method is called by Windows Management to update a property value supported by a property provider.


HRESULT PutProperty(
  [in] long          lFlags,
  [in] const BSTR    strLocale,
  [in] const BSTR    strClassMapping,
  [in] const BSTR    strInstMapping,
  [in] const BSTR    strPropMapping,
  [in] const VARIANT *pvValue


[in] lFlags

Reserved. This parameter must be 0.

[in] strLocale

String indicating the desired locale in cases where the returned property value can be localized. If the property cannot be localized, the implementation can ignore this value.

[in] strClassMapping

Literal copy of the string value for the ClassContext qualifier for the class. This points to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only, or NULL if the qualifier does not exist.

[in] strInstMapping

Literal copy of the string value for the InstanceContext qualifier for the instance. This must point to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only, or NULL if the qualifier does not exist.

[in] strPropMapping

Literal copy of the value of the PropertyContext qualifier for the property. This must point to a valid BSTR, which is treated as read-only, or NULL if the qualifier does not exist.

[in] pvValue

Pointer to an existing VARIANT that contains the value to be written.

Return value

This method must return WBEM_S_NO_ERROR if the operation succeeds, or WBEM_S_FALSE if the operation fails.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008
Target Platform Windows
Header wbemprov.h (include Wbemidl.h)
Library Wbemuuid.lib
DLL Wbemsvc.dll

See also
