wbemdisp.h header
This header is used by Windows Management Instrumentation. For more information, see:
wbemdisp.h contains the following programming interfaces:
WbemAuthenticationLevelEnum Define the security authentication levels. |
WbemChangeFlagEnum Define how a write operation to a class or an instance is carried out. |
WbemCimtypeEnum Define the valid CIM types of a property value. |
WbemComparisonFlagEnum Define the settings for object comparison and are used by SWbemObject.CompareTo_. |
WbemConnectOptionsEnum Defines a security flag that is used as a parameter in calls to the SWbemLocator.ConnectServer method when a connection to WMI on a remote machine is failing. |
WbemErrorEnum Define the errors that may be returned by Scripting API for WMI calls. |
WbemFlagEnum Defines constants that are used by SWbemServices.ExecQuery, SWbemServices.ExecQueryAsync, SWbemServices.SubclassesOf, and SWbemServices.InstancesOf. |
WbemImpersonationLevelEnum Define the security impersonation levels. These constants are used with SWbemSecurity. |
WbemObjectTextFormatEnum Define the valid object text formats to be used by SWbemObjectEx.GetText_. |
WbemPrivilegeEnum Define privileges. These constants are used with SWbemSecurity to grant the privileges required for some operations. |
WbemQueryFlagEnum Define the depth of enumeration or query, which determines how many objects are returned by a call. |
WbemTextFlagEnum Defines the content of generated object text and is used by SWbemObject.GetObjectText_. |
WbemTimeout Defines the time-out constants. This constant is used by SWbemEventSource.NextEvent. |