IAddrBook::CreateOneOff method (wabiab.h)

Creates an entry identifier for a one-off address.


HRESULT CreateOneOff(
  LPTSTR    lpszName,
  LPTSTR    lpszAdrType,
  LPTSTR    lpszAddress,
  ULONG     ulFlags,
  ULONG     *lpcbEntryID,



Pointer to a string that specifies the display name of the recipient. The lpszName parameter can be NULL.


Pointer to a string that specifies the address type of the recipient, such as FAX or SMTP. The lpszAdrType parameter cannot be NULL.


Pointer to a string that specifies the address of the recipient. The lpszAddress parameter cannot be NULL.


Value of type ULONG that specifies the bitmask of flags that affect the one-off recipient. The following flags are valid in the Windows Address Book (WAB).

Flag Description
MAPI_SEND_NO_RICH_INFO Indicates that the recipient cannot handle formatted message content. If MAPI_SEND_NO_RICH_INFO is set, MAPI sets the recipient's PR_SEND_RICH_INFO property to FALSE. If MAPI_SEND_NO_RICH_INFO is not set, MAPI sets this property to TRUE unless the recipient's messaging address (to which lpszAddress points) is interpreted to be an Internet address. In this case, MAPI sets PR_SEND_RICH_INFO to FALSE.
MAPI_UNICODE Displays the name, address type, and address in Unicode format. If the MAPI_UNICODE flag is not set, these strings are displayed in ANSI format.


Pointer to a variable of type ULONG that specifies the count of bytes in the entry identifier to which the lppEntryID parameter points.


Address of a pointer to a variable of type ENTRYID that receives the entry identifier for the one-off recipient.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 10 Build 20348
Minimum supported server Windows 10 Build 20348
Header wabiab.h