uiautomationcore.h header
This header is used by Windows Accessibility Features. For more information, see:
uiautomationcore.h contains the following programming interfaces:
IAccessibleEx Exposes methods that are called by Microsoft UI Automation to retrieve extra information about a control that supports Microsoft Active Accessibility. |
IAccessibleHostingElementProviders A Microsoft Active Accessibility object implements this interface when the object is the root of an accessibility tree that includes windowless Microsoft ActiveX controls that implement Microsoft UI Automation. |
IAnnotationProvider Exposes the properties of an annotation in a document. |
IDockProvider Provides access to an element in a docking container. |
IDragProvider Enables a Microsoft UI Automation element to describe itself as an element that can be dragged as part of a drag-and-drop operation. |
IDropTargetProvider Enables a Microsoft UI Automation element to describe itself as an element that can receive a drop of a dragged element as part of a UI Automation drag-and-drop operation. |
IExpandCollapseProvider Provides access to a control that visually expands to display content, and collapses to hide content. |
IGridItemProvider Provides access to individual child controls of containers that implement IGridProvider. |
IGridProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements organized in a two-dimensional logical coordinate system that can be traversed (that is, a Microsoft UI Automation client can move to adjacent controls) by using the keyboard. |
IInvokeProvider Provides access to controls that initiate or perform a single, unambiguous action and do not maintain state when activated. |
IItemContainerProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers of other controls, such as a virtual list-view. |
ILegacyIAccessibleProvider Enables Microsoft UI Automation clients to access the underlying IAccessible implementation of Microsoft Active Accessibility elements. |
IMultipleViewProvider Provides access to controls that provide, and are able to switch between, multiple representations of the same set of information or child controls. |
IObjectModelProvider Provides access to the underlying object model implemented by a control or application. (IObjectModelProvider) |
IProxyProviderWinEventHandler Exposes a method that is implemented by proxy providers to handle WinEvents. |
IProxyProviderWinEventSink Exposes methods used by proxy providers to raise events. |
IRangeValueProvider Provides access to controls that can be set to a value within a range. |
IRawElementProviderAdviseEvents Exposes methods that are called to notify the root element of a fragment when a Microsoft UI Automation client application begins or ends listening for events on that fragment. |
IRawElementProviderFragment Exposes methods and properties on UI elements that are part of a structure more than one level deep, such as a list box or list item. Implemented by Microsoft UI Automation provider. |
IRawElementProviderFragmentRoot Exposes methods and properties on the root element in a fragment. |
IRawElementProviderHostingAccessibles This interface is implemented by a Microsoft UI Automation provider when the provider is the root of an accessibility tree that includes windowless controls that support Microsoft Active Accessibility. |
IRawElementProviderHwndOverride Exposes a method that enables repositioning of window-based elements within the fragment's UI Automation tree. |
IRawElementProviderSimple Defines methods and properties that expose simple UI elements. |
IRawElementProviderSimple2 Extends the IRawElementProviderSimple interface to enable programmatically invoking context menus. |
IRawElementProviderSimple3 Extends the IRawElementProviderSimple2 interface to enable retrieving metadata about how accessible technology should say the preferred content type. |
IRawElementProviderWindowlessSite A Microsoft ActiveX control site implements this interface to enable a Microsoft UI Automation-enabled ActiveX control to express its accessibility. |
IScrollItemProvider Provides access to individual child controls of containers that implement IScrollProvider. |
IScrollProvider Provides access to controls that act as scrollable containers for a collection of child objects. |
ISelectionItemProvider Provides access to individual, selectable child controls of containers that implement ISelectionProvider. |
ISelectionProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of individual, selectable child items. |
ISelectionProvider2 Extends the ISelectionItemProvider interface to provide information about selected items. |
ISpreadsheetItemProvider Provides access to information about an item (cell) in a spreadsheet. |
ISpreadsheetProvider Provides access to items (cells) in a spreadsheet. |
IStylesProvider Provides access to the visual styles associated with the content of a document. |
ISynchronizedInputProvider Enables Microsoft UI Automation client applications to direct the mouse or keyboard input to a specific UI element. |
ITableItemProvider Provides access to child controls of containers that implement ITableProvider. |
ITableProvider Provides access to controls that act as containers for a collection of child elements. |
ITextChildProvider Provides access to a text-based control (or an object embedded in text) that is a child or descendant of another text-based control. |
ITextEditProvider Extends the ITextProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose programmatic text-edit actions. |
ITextProvider Provides access to controls that contain text. |
ITextProvider2 Extends the ITextProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose textual content that is the target of an annotation, and information about a caret that belongs to the provider. |
ITextRangeProvider Provides access to a span of continuous text in a text container that implements ITextProvider or ITextProvider2. |
ITextRangeProvider2 Extends the ITextRangeProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to invoke context menus. |
IToggleProvider Provides access to controls that can cycle through a set of states and maintain a state after it is set. |
ITransformProvider Provides access to controls that can be moved, resized, and/or rotated within a two-dimensional space. |
ITransformProvider2 Extends the ITransformProvider interface to enable Microsoft UI Automation providers to expose properties to support the viewport zooming functionality of a control. |
IUIAutomationPatternHandler Returns a client API wrapper object and to unmarshal property and method requests to an actual provider instance. |
IUIAutomationPatternInstance Represents a control pattern object. The client API wrapper uses this interface to implement all property and method calls in terms of the GetProperty and CallMethod methods. |
IUIAutomationRegistrar Exposes methods for registering new control patterns, properties, and events. |
IValueProvider Provides access to controls that have an intrinsic value that does not span a range, and that can be represented as a string. |
IVirtualizedItemProvider Provides access to virtualized items, which are items that are represented by placeholder automation elements in the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
IWindowProvider Provides access to the fundamental window-based functionality of a control. |
UiaChangeInfo Contains data about a UI Automation change that occurred. |
UiaPoint Contains the coordinates of a point. |
UiaRect Contains the position and size of a rectangle, in screen coordinates. |
UIAutomationEventInfo Contains information about a custom event. |
UIAutomationMethodInfo Contains information about a method that is supported by a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationParameter Contains information about a parameter of a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationPatternInfo Contains information about a custom control pattern. |
UIAutomationPropertyInfo Contains information about a custom property. |
ActiveEnd Contains possible values for the SelectionActiveEnd text attribute, which indicates the location of the caret relative to a text range that represents the currently selected text. |
AnimationStyle Contains values for the AnimationStyle text attribute. |
BulletStyle Contains values for the BulletStyle text attribute. |
CapStyle Contains values that specify the value of the CapStyle text attribute. |
CaretBidiMode Contains possible values for the CaretBidiMode text attribute, which indicates whether the caret is in text that flows from left to right, or from right to left. |
CaretPosition Contains possible values for the CaretPosition text attribute, which indicates the location of the caret relative to a line of text in a text range. |
DockPosition Contains values that specify the location of a docking window represented by the Dock control pattern. |
ExpandCollapseState Contains values that specify the state of a UI element that can be expanded and collapsed. |
FillType Contains values for the FillType attribute. |
FlowDirections Contains values for the TextFlowDirections text attribute. |
LiveSetting Contains possible values for the LiveSetting property. This property is implemented by provider elements that are part of a live region. |
NavigateDirection Contains values used to specify the direction of navigation within the Microsoft UI Automation tree. |
NotificationKind Defines values that indicate the type of a notification event, and a hint to the listener about the processing of the event. |
NotificationProcessing Defines values that indicate how a notification should be processed. |
OrientationType Contains values that specify the orientation of a control. |
OutlineStyles Contains values for the OutlineStyle text attribute. |
ProviderOptions Contains values that specify the type of UI Automation provider. The IRawElementProviderSimple::ProviderOptions property uses this enumeration. |
RowOrColumnMajor Contains values that specify whether data in a table should be read primarily by row or by column. |
SayAsInterpretAs Defines the values that indicate how a text-to-speech engine should interpret specific data. |
ScrollAmount Contains values that specify the direction and distance to scroll. |
StructureChangeType Contains values that specify the type of change in the Microsoft UI Automation tree structure. |
SupportedTextSelection Contains values that specify the supported text selection attribute. |
SynchronizedInputType Contains values that specify the type of synchronized input. |
TextDecorationLineStyle Contains values that specify the OverlineStyle, StrikethroughStyle, and UnderlineStyle text attributes. |
TextEditChangeType Describes the text editing change being performed by controls when text-edit events are raised or handled. |
TextPatternRangeEndpoint Contains values that specify the endpoints of a text range. |
TextUnit Contains values that specify units of text for the purposes of navigation. |
ToggleState Contains values that specify the toggle state of a Microsoft UI Automation element that implements the Toggle control pattern. |
UIAutomationType Contains values used to indicate Microsoft UI Automation data types. |
VisualEffects Contains values for the VisualEffects attribute. |
WindowInteractionState Contains values that specify the current state of the window for purposes of user interaction. |
WindowVisualState Contains values that specify the visual state of a window. |
ZoomUnit Contains possible values for the IUIAutomationTransformPattern2::ZoomByUnit method, which zooms the viewport of a control by the specified unit. |