ITSGAuthorizeConnectionSink::OnConnectionAuthorized method (tsgpolicyengine.h)

Notifies Remote Desktop Gateway (RD Gateway) about the result of an attempt to authorize a connection.


HRESULT OnConnectionAuthorized(
  [in] HRESULT                     hrIn,
  [in] GUID                        mainSessionId,
  [in] ULONG                       cbSoHResponse,
  [in] BYTE                        *pbSoHResponse,
  [in] ULONG                       idleTimeout,
  [in] ULONG                       sessionTimeout,
  [in] SESSION_TIMEOUT_ACTION_TYPE sessionTimeoutAction,
  [in] AATrustClassID              trustClass,
  [in] PolicyAttributes            policyAttributes


[in] hrIn

The result of the authorization attempt. Specify S_OK to indicate that the attempt succeeded. Specify any other value to indicate that the attempt failed.

[in] mainSessionId

A unique identifier assigned to the connection request by RD Gateway.

[in] cbSoHResponse

The number of bytes referenced by the pbSoHResponse parameter.

[in] pbSoHResponse

A pointer to a BYTE that specifies the response to the request for a statement of health (SoH). If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored.

[in] idleTimeout

The number of minutes that the connection can remain idle before being disconnected. If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored.

[in] sessionTimeout

The maximum number of minutes allotted to the session. If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored.

[in] sessionTimeoutAction

The action to be taken when the session times out. If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored. This parameter can be one of the following values.


Disconnect the session.


Silently reauthenticate and reauthorize the session.

[in] trustClass

This parameter is reserved. Always set it to AA_TRUSTEDUSER_TRUSTEDCLIENT. If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored.

[in] policyAttributes

An array of Boolean values that specify the redirection settings associated with the connection. Each element of the array corresponds to a value of the PolicyAttributeType enumeration. If the hrIn parameter is not S_OK, this parameter is ignored.

Return value

If this method succeeds, it returns S_OK. Otherwise, it returns an HRESULT error code.


You can call this method from your implementation of AuthorizeConnection. If authentication requires more than 1 second, we recommend launching a separate thread to perform authentication.

For a sample that uses the OnConnectionAuthorized method, see the Remote Desktop Gateway Pluggable Authentication and Authorization sample.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 7
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header tsgpolicyengine.h

See also
