threadpoolapiset.h header
This header is used by System Services. For more information, see:
threadpoolapiset.h contains the following programming interfaces:
CallbackMayRunLong Indicates that the callback may not return quickly. |
CancelThreadpoolIo Cancels the notification from the StartThreadpoolIo function. |
CloseThreadpool Closes the specified thread pool. |
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroup Closes the specified cleanup group. |
CloseThreadpoolCleanupGroupMembers Releases the members of the specified cleanup group, waits for all callback functions to complete, and optionally cancels any outstanding callback functions. |
CloseThreadpoolIo Releases the specified I/O completion object. |
CloseThreadpoolTimer Releases the specified timer object. |
CloseThreadpoolWait Releases the specified wait object. |
CloseThreadpoolWork Releases the specified work object. |
CreateThreadpool Allocates a new pool of threads to execute callbacks. |
CreateThreadpoolCleanupGroup Creates a cleanup group that applications can use to track one or more thread pool callbacks. |
CreateThreadpoolIo Creates a new I/O completion object. |
CreateThreadpoolTimer Creates a new timer object. |
CreateThreadpoolWait Creates a new wait object. |
CreateThreadpoolWork Creates a new work object. |
DisassociateCurrentThreadFromCallback Removes the association between the currently executing callback function and the object that initiated the callback. The current thread will no longer count as executing a callback on behalf of the object. |
FreeLibraryWhenCallbackReturns Specifies the DLL that the thread pool will unload when the current callback completes. |
IsThreadpoolTimerSet Determines whether the specified timer object is currently set. |
LeaveCriticalSectionWhenCallbackReturns Specifies the critical section that the thread pool will release when the current callback completes. |
QueryThreadpoolStackInformation Retrieves the stack reserve and commit sizes for threads in the specified thread pool. |
ReleaseMutexWhenCallbackReturns Specifies the mutex that the thread pool will release when the current callback completes. |
ReleaseSemaphoreWhenCallbackReturns Specifies the semaphore that the thread pool will release when the current callback completes. |
SetEventWhenCallbackReturns Specifies the event that the thread pool will set when the current callback completes. |
SetThreadpoolStackInformation Sets the stack reserve and commit sizes for new threads in the specified thread pool. Stack reserve and commit sizes for existing threads are not changed. |
SetThreadpoolThreadMaximum Sets the maximum number of threads that the specified thread pool can allocate to process callbacks. |
SetThreadpoolThreadMinimum Sets the minimum number of threads that the specified thread pool must make available to process callbacks. |
SetThreadpoolTimer Sets the timer object�, replacing the previous timer, if any. A worker thread calls the timer object's callback after the specified timeout expires. (SetThreadpoolTimer) |
SetThreadpoolTimerEx Sets the timer object�, replacing the previous timer, if any. A worker thread calls the timer object's callback after the specified timeout expires. (SetThreadpoolTimerEx) |
SetThreadpoolWait Sets the wait object�replacing the previous wait object, if any. A worker thread calls the wait object's callback function after the handle becomes signaled or after the specified timeout expires. (SetThreadpoolWait) |
SetThreadpoolWaitEx Sets the wait object�replacing the previous wait object, if any. A worker thread calls the wait object's callback function after the handle becomes signaled or after the specified timeout expires. (SetThreadpoolWaitEx) |
StartThreadpoolIo Notifies the thread pool that I/O operations may possibly begin for the specified I/O completion object. A worker thread calls the I/O completion object's callback function after the operation completes on the file handle bound to this object. |
SubmitThreadpoolWork Posts a work object to the thread pool. A worker thread calls the work object's callback function. |
TrySubmitThreadpoolCallback Requests that a thread pool worker thread call the specified callback function. |
WaitForThreadpoolIoCallbacks Waits for outstanding I/O completion callbacks to complete and optionally cancels pending callbacks that have not yet started to execute. |
WaitForThreadpoolTimerCallbacks Waits for outstanding timer callbacks to complete and optionally cancels pending callbacks that have not yet started to execute. |
WaitForThreadpoolWaitCallbacks Waits for outstanding wait callbacks to complete and optionally cancels pending callbacks that have not yet started to execute. |
WaitForThreadpoolWorkCallbacks Waits for outstanding work callbacks to complete and optionally cancels pending callbacks that have not yet started to execute. |