SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W structure (setupapi.h)

An SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure contains device installation parameters associated with a particular device information element or associated globally with a device information set.


typedef struct _SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS_W {
  DWORD             cbSize;
  DWORD             Flags;
  DWORD             FlagsEx;
  HWND              hwndParent;
  PSP_FILE_CALLBACK InstallMsgHandler;
  PVOID             InstallMsgHandlerContext;
  HSPFILEQ          FileQueue;
  ULONG_PTR         ClassInstallReserved;
  DWORD             Reserved;
  WCHAR             DriverPath[MAX_PATH];



The size, in bytes, of the SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS structure.


Flags that control installation and user interface operations. Some flags can be set before sending the device installation request while other flags are set automatically during the processing of some requests. Flags can be a combination of the following values.

The flag values are listed in groups: writable by device installation applications and installers, read-only (only set by the OS), reserved, and obsolete. The first group lists flags that are writable:


Set to use the Class Install parameters. SetupDiSetClassInstallParams sets this flag when the caller specifies parameters and clears the flag when the caller specifies a NULL parameters pointer.


Set to force SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to build a device's list of compatible drivers from its class driver list instead of the INF file.


Set by a class installer or co-installer if the installer supplies a page that replaces the system-supplied driver properties page. If this flag is set, the operating system does not display the system-supplied driver page.


Set if the configuration manager should not be called to remove or reenumerate devices during the execution of certain device installation functions (for example, SetupDiInstallDevice).

If this flag is set, device installation applications, class installers, and co-installers must not call the following functions:

CM_Reenumerate_DevNode CM_Reenumerate_DevNode_Ex CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree CM_Query_And_Remove_SubTree_Ex CM_Setup_DevNode CM_Setup_DevNode_Ex CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags CM_Set_HW_Prof_Flags_Ex CM_Enable_DevNode CM_Enable_DevNode_Ex CM_Disable_DevNode CM_Disable_DevNode_Ex


Set if installers and other device installation components should only search the INF file specified by SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath. If this flag is set, DriverPath contains the path of a single INF file instead of a path of a directory.


Set to indicate that the Select Device page should list drivers in the order in which they appear in the INF file, instead of sorting them alphabetically.


Set if the device should be installed in a disabled state by default. To be recognized, this flag must be set before Windows calls the default handler for the DIF_INSTALLDEVICE request.


For NT-based operating systems, this flag is set if the device requires that the computer be restarted after device installation or a device state change. A class installer or co-installer can set this flag at any time during device installation, if the installer determines that a restart is necessary.


The same as DI_NEEDREBOOT.


Set to disable browsing when the user is selecting an OEM disk path. A device installation application sets this flag to constrain a user to only installing from the installation media location.


Set if SetupDiCallClassInstaller should not perform any default action if the class installer returns ERR_DI_DO_DEFAULT or there is not a class installer.


Set if device installation applications and components, such as SetupDiInstallDevice, should skip file copying.


Set to disable creation of a new copy queue. Use the caller-supplied copy queue in SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.FileQueue.


Set to prevent SetupDiInstallDevice from writing the INF-specified hardware IDs and compatible IDs to the device properties for the device node (devnode). This flag should only be set for root-enumerated devices.

This flag overrides the DI_FLAGSEX_ALWAYSWRITEIDS flag.


Set by Device Manager if a device's properties were changed, which requires an update of the installer's user interface.


Set if the device installer functions must be silent and use default choices wherever possible. Class installers and co-installers must not display any UI if this flag is set.


Set by a class installer or co-installer if the installer supplies a page that replaces the system-supplied resource properties page. If this flag is set, the operating system does not display the system-supplied resource page.


Set to allow support for OEM disks. If this flag is set, the operating system presents a "Have Disk" button on the Select Device page. This flag is set, by default, in system-supplied wizards.


Set if a class installer or co-installer supplied strings that should be used during SetupDiSelectDevice.

The following flags are read-only (only set by the OS):


Set if SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList has already built a list of the drivers for this class of device. If this list has already been built, it contains all the driver information and this flag is always set. SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList clears this flag when it deletes a list of drivers for a class.

This flag is read-only. Only the operating system sets this flag.


Set if SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList has already built a list of compatible drivers for this device. If this list has already been built, it contains all the driver information and this flag is always set. SetupDiDestroyDriverInfoList clears this flag when it deletes a compatible driver list.

This flag is only set in device installation parameters that are associated with a particular device information element, not in parameters for a device information set as a whole.

This flag is read-only. Only the operating system sets this flag.


Set by SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList if a list of drivers for a device setup class contains drivers that are provided by multiple manufacturers.

This flag is read-only. Only the operating system sets this flag.

The following flags are reserved:









The following flags are obsolete:




Additional flags that provide control over installation and user interface operations. Some flags can be set before calling the device installer functions while other flags are set automatically during the processing of some functions. FlagsEx can be a combination of the following values.

The flag values are listed in groups: writable by device installation applications and installers, read-only (only set by the OS), reserved, and obsolete.

The first group lists flags that are writable:


If set, include drivers that were marked "Exclude From Select."

For example, if this flag is set, SetupDiSelectDevice displays drivers that have the Exclude From Select state and SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList includes Exclude From Select drivers in the requested driver list.

A driver is "Exclude From Select" if either it is marked ExcludeFromSelect in the INF file or it is a driver for a device whose whole setup class is marked NoInstallClass or NoUseClass in the class installer INF. Drivers for PnP devices are typically "Exclude From Select"; PnP devices should not be manually installed. To build a list of driver files for a PnP device a caller of SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList must set this flag.


If set and the DI_NOWRITE_IDS flag is clear, always write hardware and compatible IDs to the device properties for the devnode. This flag should only be set for root-enumerated devices.


If set, SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList appends a new driver list to an existing list. This flag is relevant when searching multiple locations.


If set, build the driver list from INF(s) retrieved from the URL that is specified in SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS.DriverPath. If the DriverPath is an empty string, use the Windows Update website.

Currently, the operating system does not support URLs. Use this flag to direct SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList to search the Windows Update website.

Do not set this flag if DI_QUIETINSTALL is set.


If set, do not include old Internet drivers when building a driver list. This flag should be set any time that you are building a list of potential drivers for a device. You can clear this flag if you are just getting a list of drivers currently installed for a device.


If set, SetupDiBuildClassInfoList will check for class inclusion filters. This means that a device will not be included in the class list if its class is marked as NoInstallClass.


(Windows XP and later.) If set, SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList includes "similar" drivers when building a class driver list. A "similar" driver is one for which one of the hardware IDs or compatible IDs in the INF file partially (or completely) matches one of the hardware IDs or compatible IDs of the hardware.


(Windows Vista and later.) See Marking a Device as having a Finish-Install Action to Perform for more information.


If set, the driver was obtained from the Internet. Windows will not use the device's INF to install future devices because Windows cannot guarantee that it can retrieve the driver files again from the Internet.


(Windows XP and later.) If set, SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList includes only the currently installed driver when creating a list of class drivers or device-compatible drivers.


(Windows XP and later.) If set, when creating a list of class drivers, SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList will not merge nodes in the driver list that are from the same INF and have the same driver description and rank.


Do not process the AddReg and DelReg entries for the device's hardware and software (driver) keys. That is, the AddReg and DelReg entries in the INF file DDInstall and DDInstall.HW sections.


If set, an installer added their own page for the power properties dialog. The operating system will not display the system-supplied power properties page. This flag is only relevant if the device supports power management.


If set, the user made changes to one or more device property sheets. The property-page provider typically sets this flag.

When the user closes the device property sheet, Device Manager checks the DI_FLAGSEX_PROPCHANGE_PENDING flag. If it is set, Device Manager clears this flag, sets the DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE flag, and sends a DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE request to the installers to notify them that something has changed.


(Windows Vista and later.) If set, when SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList searches for INFs in the path specified in the DriverPath value, the search will be recursive.


(Windows Vista and later.) If set, when SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList is used to search for INFs without an INF path or search path specified, this restricts the search to only INFs that have been imported into the Driver Store.


Set if the installation failed. If this flag is set, the SetupDiInstallDevice function just sets the FAILEDINSTALL flag in the device's ConfigFlags registry value. If DI_FLAGSEX_SETFAILEDINSTALL is set, co-installers must return NO_ERROR in response to DIF_INSTALLDEVICE, while class installers must return NO_ERROR or ERROR_DI_DO_DEFAULT.


Filter INF files on the device's setup class when building a list of compatible drivers. If a device's setup class is known, setting this flag reduces the time that is required to build a list of compatible drivers when searching INF files that are not precompiled. This flag is ignored if DI_COMPAT_FROM_CLASS is set.

The following flags are read-only; only the operating system sets these flags:


Set by the operating system if a class installer failed to load or start. This flag is read-only.


Windows has built a list of driver nodes that are compatible with the device. This flag is read-only.


Windows has built a list of driver nodes that includes all the drivers that are listed in the INF files of the specified setup class. If the specified setup class is NULL because the HDEVINFO set or device has no associated class, the list includes all driver nodes from all available INF files. This flag is read-only.


If set, installation is occurring during initial system setup. This flag is read-only.

The following flags are reserved and should not be used:








The following flags are obsolete:




Window handle that will own the user interface dialogs related to this device.


Callback used to handle events during file copying. An installer can use a callback, for example, to perform special processing when committing a file queue.


Private data that is used by the InstallMsgHandler callback.


A handle to a caller-supplied file queue where file operations should be queued but not committed.

If you associate a file queue with a device information set (SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams), you must disassociate the queue from the device information set before you delete the device information set. If you fail to disassociate the file queue, Windows cannot decrement its reference count on the device information set and cannot free the memory.

This queue is only used if the DI_NOVCP flag is set, indicating that file operations should be enqueued but not committed.


A pointer for class-installer data. Co-installers must not use this field.


Reserved. For internal use only.


This path is used by the SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList function.



The setupapi.h header defines SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS as an alias that automatically selects the ANSI or Unicode version of this function based on the definition of the UNICODE preprocessor constant. Mixing usage of the encoding-neutral alias with code that is not encoding-neutral can lead to mismatches that result in compilation or runtime errors. For more information, see Conventions for Function Prototypes.


Requirement Value
Header setupapi.h (include Setupapi.h)

See also






