AddAccessDeniedObjectAce function (securitybaseapi.h)

The AddAccessDeniedObjectAce function adds an access-denied access control entry (ACE) to the end of a discretionary access control list (DACL). The new ACE can deny access to an object, or to a property set or property on an object. You can also use AddAccessDeniedObjectAce to add an ACE that only a specified type of child object can inherit.


BOOL AddAccessDeniedObjectAce(
  [in, out]      PACL  pAcl,
  [in]           DWORD dwAceRevision,
  [in]           DWORD AceFlags,
  [in]           DWORD AccessMask,
  [in, optional] GUID  *ObjectTypeGuid,
  [in, optional] GUID  *InheritedObjectTypeGuid,
  [in]           PSID  pSid


[in, out] pAcl

A pointer to a DACL. The AddAccessDeniedObjectAce function adds an access-denied ACE to the end of this DACL. The ACE is in the form of an ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE structure.

[in] dwAceRevision

Specifies the revision level of the DACL being modified. This value must be ACL_REVISION_DS. If the DACL's revision level is lower than ACL_REVISION_DS, the function changes it to ACL_REVISION_DS.

[in] AceFlags

A set of bit flags that control ACE inheritance. The function sets these flags in the AceFlags member of the ACE_HEADER structure of the new ACE. This parameter can be a combination of the following values.

Value Meaning
The ACE is inherited by container objects.
The ACE does not apply to the object to which the access control list (ACL) is assigned, but it can be inherited by child objects.
Indicates an inherited ACE. This flag allows operations that change the security on a tree of objects to modify inherited ACEs, while not changing ACEs that were directly applied to the object.
The OBJECT_INHERIT_ACE and CONTAINER_INHERIT_ACE bits are not propagated to an inherited ACE.
The ACE is inherited by noncontainer objects.

[in] AccessMask

A set of bit flags that use the ACCESS_MASK format to specify the access rights that the new ACE denies to the specified security identifier (SID).

[in, optional] ObjectTypeGuid

A pointer to a GUID structure that identifies the type of object, property set, or property protected by the new ACE. If this parameter is NULL, the new ACE protects the object to which the ACL is assigned.

[in, optional] InheritedObjectTypeGuid

A pointer to a GUID structure that identifies the type of object that can inherit the new ACE. If this parameter is non-NULL, only the specified object type can inherit the ACE. If NULL, any type of child object can inherit the ACE. In either case, inheritance is also controlled by the value of the AceFlags parameter, as well as by any protection against inheritance placed on the child objects.

[in] pSid

A pointer to a SID that identifies the user, group, or logon session to which the new ACE allows access.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the return value is nonzero.

If the function fails, the return value is zero. To get extended error information, call GetLastError. The following are possible error values.

Return code Description
The new ACE does not fit into the ACL. A larger ACL buffer is required.
The specified ACL is not properly formed.
The AceFlags parameter is not valid.
The specified SID is not structurally valid.
The specified revision is not known or is incompatible with that of the ACL.
The ACE was successfully added.


If both ObjectTypeGuid and InheritedObjectTypeGuid are NULL, use the AddAccessDeniedAceEx function rather than AddAccessDeniedObjectAce. This is suggested because an ACCESS_DENIED_ACE is smaller and more efficient than an ACCESS_DENIED_OBJECT_ACE.

Although the AddAccessDeniedObjectAce function adds the new ACE to the end of the ACL, access-denied ACEs should appear at the beginning of an ACL. The caller must ensure that ACEs are added to the DACL in the correct order. For more information, see Order of ACEs in a DACL.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows XP [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2003 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header securitybaseapi.h (include Windows.h)
Library Advapi32.lib
DLL Advapi32.dll

See also









Low-level Access Control

Low-level Access Control Functions